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我是一个实验室里的技术员。I am a lab tech.

我有实验报告“I've got the lab report."

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把受试者带到实验室。You bring people in the lab.

这是1990年建的实验室。This is the lab built in 1990.

王先生负责语音室。Mr Wang is in charge of the lab.

实验室里的工作味同嚼蜡翻来复去。Lab work is dull and repetitious.

在实验室要怎么做呢?So how do you do this in the lab?

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你们曾经来过这个实验室吗?Have you been in this lab before ?

我要去上语言实习课。I'm going to a language lab class.

实验室安全、抵制浪费从自身做起!Lab Waste from Eva Amsen on Vimeo.

在计算机室里上课。We have classes in a computer lab.

没有图书馆、体育场,也没有电脑房。No library, no gym, no computer lab.

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我之前在我们学校的电脑中心工作。I worked at my school's computer lab.

人们穿着实验衣时,看起来好像都很聪明。People always look smart in lab coat.

但一定会有一件白色的大褂。And almost certainly a white lab coat.

在生物实验室不要闻任何东西。Don't SMELL anything in a biology lab.

我怎么写实验报告呀?How am I going to write my lab report?

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现在,在实验记录表上签上你们的名字。Now, sign your name on the lab record.

对这些内容我们不要求实验报告There are no lab reports that are due.

我们只想纯新鲜化学品实验室。We only want pure lab fresh chemicals.