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吃洋芋片是很容易发胖的。Potato chips are really fattening.

家畜吃早春的苜蓿而上膘。Herds are fattening on the early clover.

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家畜吃早春的苜蓿而长肥。Herds are fattening on the early clover.

但是,众所周知巧克力会让人发胖。But as well all know, chocolate is fattening.

这些鸭子正在很快地长肥。These ducks are fattening out pretty quickly.

我们正在催肥牲畜待宰杀。We're fattening the livestock up for slaughter.

减少盐和高脂肪食物的摄入。Limit the intake of salty and highly fattening foods.

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这是充满营养和少育肥比紫花苜蓿。It is filled with nutrition and less fattening than alfalfa.

如果想少摄入一些脂肪和热量,可以在朗姆或者伏特加中搀兑食用苏打。A less fattening option is to mix rum or vodka with diet soda.

而且,不能一下子就把所有会长胖的食物都停掉不吃。They don't have to cut out fattening foods altogether, though.

派对是另一个充斥着高脂肪食物的地方。Parties are another good place to find lots of fattening foods.

这些品牌育肥利润的跨国营销。Those brands are fattening the profits of multinational marketers.

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Karnani说增加存款额的关键是要做好预算。The key to fattening your savings account is to budget, Karnani says.

多年来,厂长们一直靠工人们的劳动成果而发家致富。For years the directors have been fattening on the efforts of the workers.

我不知道如何烹饪牛排,汉堡包,或任何其他育肥吃饭。I don't know how to cook steaks, hamburgers, or any other fattening meals.

育肥能力一般。育肥过程不由养户来完成。Fattening capacity so on, fattening processing finished by Feeding households.

不同精料补饲水平下,育肥后期日增重均呈现下降趋势。The daily gain of each group tended to decrease at the latter fattening period.

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证明进行肉羔业生产是草地畜牧业生产中的有效措施。It suggested that lamb fattening is an efficient way for animal production grassland.

而男性激素削减脂肪构建肌肉,所以不适用于牲畜催膘。Male hormones reduce fat and build muscle so they're unsuitable for animal fattening.

将杜仲种粕粉用作饲料添加剂进行肉鸡育雏、育肥研究。Incubation and fattening of broiler were studied with Eucommia fruit meal as feed additives.