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为什么伊斯兰教抵抗世俗化?Why is it resistant to secularization?

略论中国佛教的世俗化与“人间佛教”Secularization of Chinese Buddhism and "Mundane Buddhism""

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在其泛世俗化阶段,表现出一种繁缛富丽而丰富的艺术美感。At secularization stage, it displays the splendid rich artistic beauty.

元代僧人世俗化现象的普遍是由多方面的因素促成的。The prevalence of the secularization of the monks were determined by many factors.

对于现代社会来说,世俗化是一个方面,而审美化是另一个方面。To the modern society, the secularization is an aspect, but the aesthetics is another aspect.

其中,世俗化进程是最为主要的原因,此外还有宗教自身的一些其他原因。Secularization is the major cause, and there are some other causes from the religions themselves.

1805年一位论派接管了哈佛,致使哈佛从宗教中分离出来。Then in 1805 the takeover of Harvard by the Unitarians resulted in the secularization of Harvard.

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主要探讨孔勃改革的深层原因、性质和影响。This paper is an analysis of the cause, nature and effect of Combes secularization reform in France.

可如果闻道真的背叛少林的话,是要过十八铜人阵,被打出少林还俗的。But if to smell really rebelled against shaolin, eighteen copper brown, was hit shaolin secularization.

元代僧人的世俗化折射出元代社会的许多问题,从僧人世俗化可以窥探元代社会的基本面貌。The secularization of the monks refected many problems of Yuan Danasty. It could show the basic look of it.

对于本土化和世俗化线索的认识和把握也即是本文研究的前提。The interpretation of these two themes, inculturation and secularization , is also the prerequisite of this study.

董仲舒试图在道术分裂之后弥合社会生活赖以维系的思想世界,同时在「绝地天通」之后为世界重建神圣的根基。Dong attempts to recuperate the thoughts and re-establish a divine foundation for it after the secularization of spirit.

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周代礼乐文化从“乐”的雅化开始起步,到雅乐的世俗化结束,历经西周、春秋五百余年。Zhou Dynasty ritual music culture begin from "beauting music" and concluding in the time of the court music secularization.

早在印度特别是贵霜帝国,佛教及其图像艺术就开始了神化与世俗化交织的辩证发展历程。Nationalization and Secularization are important features of the Chinese Buddhist art in its spreading and developing process.

过士行的“世俗”,不同于文坛上其他的“世俗文学”,而是个人的解放与自在。Unlike other literary works on secular life, Guo's drama gives secularization the meaning of individual liberation and freedom.

随著经济繁荣而来的迅速世俗化,为中国青年福音工作增添了许多艰难。With the prosperity and rapid secularization occurring in China, the work to reach the young people includes many frustrations.

就我个人的经历而言,很少能有哪部片子能够超越这种思想的世俗性及我们文化中的这层压制的障碍。Very rarely, in my experience, can a movie break through this secularization of thought, this barrier of repression in our culture.

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极端的宗教世俗化必然会导致极端的宗教神圣化,这就是现代伊斯兰原教旨主义产生的内在原因之一。Extreme secularization of religion results to extreme sanctification, and this is why modern Islamic fundamentalism comes into being.

由于教会大学出版物的世俗化,所以,其影响范围较之其他教会出版物更为广泛。It was the secularization of the ecclesial university publications that brought greater effects than other ecclesiastic publications.

大众文化与现代性有着深刻的内在关联,现代社会的世俗化是孕育大众文化的母体。The popular culture and modernity have the deep and inside connection. The secularization of the modern society conceives the popular culture.