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所以别再让前戏草草了事了。So don't skim on foreplay.

或者,你可以把这些甘油弄出来。Or, you can skim the glycerin off.

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——读杂志的时候,我略读和跳读。When I read magazines, I skim and skip.

所以,你要让读者能轻松地跳读。You have to make it easy for them to skim.

无糖谷物及少量牛奶和水果。Unsweetened cereal with skim milk and fruit

牛奶饮料以及脱脂牛奶and milk-based drinks as well as skim milk.

记得加些豆奶或脱脂奶还有水果进去哦!Add some soy milk or skim milk and some fruit!

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大家一起分享冲沙板的好地点!Share your favorite skim location with everyone!

每天早晨拿上一两袋杂粮团,外加一个旅行杯装的脱脂牛奶就可以轻松上路了!Grab a couple with a travel cup of skim milk and go!

脱脂牛奶太稀了﹐而全脂牛奶喝着像奶油。Skim is too watery, and whole tastes just like cream.

略读副标题、照片说明和所提供的概要。Skim subheads, photo captions and any available summaries.

“你无法瞄一眼就能看得懂,”里布瑞奇说。"You can't just skim it and understand it, " Liebreich says.

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不要只满足于对功课浅尝辄止,“只求及格”。Don't be content to just skim over courses with "only to pass".

那天,我看到索皮终于走向那女孩。Have you ever noticed the way those insects skim over the water?

用根大勺子把这一层动物脂捞出来,放到一边。Use a big spoon to skim the layer off, and set this layer aside.

汁滤一下,然后撇去浮在上面的油脂。Strain the sauce and skim away any fat that rises to the surface.

这会变慢,但它迫使你把掌握代替泛读。It may be slower, but it forces you to learn instead of just skim.

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这可能与相结合一迅速具有正文的本章地撇去著。This may be combined with a quick skim of the text of the chapter.

如果跳过下面这些行读下去会看到他还在延续了这一脉络。He goes on in this vein for that whole paragraph if you just skim down.

所以不管我在写什么,我都要先去维基转一圈。So, I’ll go to Wikipedia and skim the article on whatever my subject is.