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梳梳我的头。Comb my hair.

梳子是用来梳头发的。What's comb for?

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我有一个红色的鸡冠。I have a red comb.

现在我也需要梳子了。Now I need the comb.

我们来梳头发吧。Let's comb your hair.

秃子不需梳头。The bald need no comb.

梳梳头发。Comb your hair, please.

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他们也梳头发吗?Dothey comb their hair?

把一把刀的刀刃切割成梳子状。Dicing a blade to a comb.

给我肥皂和梳子。Give me my soap and comb.

我得给他们梳头发。I had to comb their hair.

请把梳子拿给我。Please bring me the comb.

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那是一把镶满宝石的梳子。That's a gem-studded comb.

那是一把镶满宝石的梳子。That's a gem- studded comb.

公鸡有红色的鸡冠。The rooster has a red comb.

你的头发得好好梳一梳。Your hair needs a good comb.

我会自己梳头发。I can comb my hair by myself.

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我有一个红色的鸡冠。我孵蛋。I have a red comb. I lay eggs.

爸爸有一个梳小胡子的梳子。Dad has a comb for his mustache.

裁减政府部门中的冗员。Comb out a government department.