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提出有建设性的批判。Be critical but constructive.

用一个积极的想法换掉它吧。Supplant it with a constructive thought.

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所有证明都是构造性的。All proofs in the paper are constructive.

而在这里,我们看到了一场建设性的革命。Here we see a revolution that is constructive.

不要施力与非建设性的事件。Not as to force an issue but ever constructive.

此次对话友好坦诚、富有建设性。The dialogue is friendly, frank and constructive.

有可能是良性的“The way into the circle can also be constructive."

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那么,你该如何给出建设性批评呢?So then, how do you deliver constructive criticism?

这种情形称作相长干涉。This situation is called constructive interference.

接受建设性的批评,但是忽略那些老唱反调的人。Accept constructive criticism, but ignore naysayers.

我们的对话是有益和建设性的。Our conversations have been useful and constructive.

在这种情况是相长干涉还是相消干涉?In this case is it constructive or destructive interference?

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政治上的压制致使少了许多有建设性的言论。Political repression discourages any constructive criticism.

他对决议草案提出建议性的修改意见。He submitted constructive amendments to the draft resolution.

而且那些奥巴马指责的产品有许多建设性的用途。And the devices Mr Obama denounces have many constructive uses.

所给结论是实用的,证明是构造性的。The conclusion given is practical and the proof is constructive.

能否与伊朗达成一个建设性的关系关键要看伊朗。Whether a constructive relationship is possible depends on Iran.

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他的品格得到提升,他又有创造力又积极。His personality is heightened and he is creative and constructive.

第二,与联合国进行全面合作和建设性接触。Second, full co-operation and constructive engagement with the UN.

如此,具建设性的理解与对话才可能展开。Consequently, constructive and plausible dialogues can be unfolded.