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面子健忘症。Face amnesia.

还是健忘是悲惨的?Or amnesia is disastrous?

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高脂肪的食物使我健忘。Fatty foods give me amnesia.


这个症状叫臀肌失忆症。This is called gluteal amnesia.

这叫作顺行性遗忘症。This is called anterograde amnesia.

莫斯科还指望“历史健忘症”能够起作用。Moscow also counts on historical amnesia.

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我不但被折磨,还要失去记忆。I've got amnesia as well as being tortured.

把角色演成自己,把自己演到失忆。The role play into oneself, in his amnesia.

首先,我要被折磨,失忆。First of all,I'm being tortured.I was given amnesia.

几个月后,失忆的江村回到这座城市。A few months later, amnesia village back to the city.

在1970年在法国还有这种集体性的记忆缺失Now, in 1970 there was still this collective amnesia in France.

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失忆症患者常常记不住他们的身份或名字。Amnesia sufferers usually cannot remember their identity or name.

是恐惧导致了你在考试时忽然发作“提示性失忆”。Fear is behind suggestive amnesia that strikes during examination time.

在我折磨你之前,一切都会被洗得干干净净。The whole thing wiped clean,complete perfect amnesia before I torture you.

她说,在经历了这么多压抑后,罗马尼亚却已经“集体失忆”了。She said Romania had developed "collective amnesia" over its repressive past.

中国医学专家研制出用海洋物质治疗遗忘症的方法。Chinese medicine experts developed a way to treat amnesia using marine materials.

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得普利麻,有着乳白色的外表,有时候被戏谑的称为“健忘症的牛奶”。Diprivan, which has a milky appearance, is sometimes nicknamed "milk of amnesia."

一过性完全性遗忘症是否为健忘性轻度认知缺损的危险因素?。Is transient global amnesia a risk factor for amnestic mild cognitive impairment?

经过几个小时的抢救,阿莎逐渐清醒,却以失忆为代价。After several hours of rescue, Asha gradually clear, but with the cost of amnesia.