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但是一个古老学校的歌手启发了我。But that image of an old-school crooner inspired me.

出于好奇,我们联系了这位48岁的歌手李磊。Curious, we got in touch with Li Lei, the 48-year-old crooner.

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那男低音瞧了瞧这个职员“嗯,”他接着说,“但她是我老婆。”The crooner looked at his handler. "Yeah, " he said, "but she's my wife.

这位老牌歌手因唱片歌曲被泄露,向制作人大发雷霆。The veteran crooner took out his anger over a leaked record on a producer.

弗兰克·辛纳特拉,美国唯一最受欢迎的低音歌手,最早的志向是想成为一名记者。The single most popular crooner of all time, Frank Sinatra had early ambitions of becoming a journalist.

现代歌手罗比威廉姆斯则圆满地以一曲忠诚地,爵士手法演绎了鲍比达琳地经典曲目“”可以。Contemporary crooner Robbie Williams rounds out proceedings with a faithful, jazzy take on Bobby Darin 's classic "Beyond the Sea."

哈里康尼克新奥尔良流行歌手,小成了百老汇去年的大乐队音乐会现在可以在CD和DVD系列祝酒。New Orleans crooner Harry Connick, Jr. was the toast of Broadway last year with a series of big band concerts now available on CD and DVD.

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最近的单打都取得了乐队第1和第5号,分别在老歌手申升勋已日趋普及。Recent singles by both bands have scored No. 1 and No. 5, respectively, while veteran crooner Shin Seung-hoon has been gaining popularity.

把他叫做“徒步者”就好像把帕瓦罗蒂称之为低声歌手,或把迈克尔乔丹为一个仅仅是打棒球的人。To call him a "walker" would be like calling Luciano Pavoratti a crooner or Michael Jordan a mere ballplayer. Williamson is a walker extraordinaire.

葬礼歌曲金榜上排名第一的是嗓音低沉的法兰克.辛纳屈的经典名曲「我的道路」,路易斯.阿姆斯壮版的「美好的世界」紧追在后,一份声明指出。Leading the funeral chart is crooner Frank Sinatra 's classic hit "My Way" , followed by Louis Armstrong's version of "Wonderful World", a statement said.

我们通常认为低沉的男中音挺性感,但是觉得声音性感低沉的巴里·怀特长得也同样性感的想法,太老套了。We often think of a deep baritone voice as a sexy one, but it seems too cliché to think that a romantically-inclined crooner like Barry White would actually look the part.

流行叫法巴里马尼洛探索生命的危险,他的新专辑,“15分钟”在聚光灯下巴里马尼洛的新专辑“15分钟”成名的负面后果。"?Pop crooner Barry Manilow explores the perils of life in the spotlight on his new album, "15 Minutes. " Barry Manilow's new album "15 Minutes" deals with the negative consequences of fame.