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成群的亲戚来看伊凡。Kinfolk come to see Yvonne by the dozen.

成群的亲戚来看伊芳。Kinfolk come to see Yvonne by the dozen.

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亲友们成群结队来看伊娃挤得水泄不通。Kin-folk come to see Yvonne by the dozen.

成群的亲戚来看伊芳。Kinfolk come apt watch Yvonne at the dozen.

伊冯吃了十个汉堡后,觉得很恶心。Yvonne felt sick after she ate ten hamburgers.

伊冯娜一点点地啃着胡萝卜条,当作是在吃零食。Yvonne nibbled on some carrot sticks as a snack.

林湘萍把礼包送给一位观众。An audience received a goodie bag from Yvonne Lim.

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他有很多杀伊冯娜的动机。He had many motives for wanting to knock off Yvonne.

尤尼.周是该公司驻北京负责人。Yvonne Zhou is a Beijing-based principal with the firm.

我们最喜欢的客人之一是鲁弗斯.科米尔和伊冯娜.科米尔夫妇。Among our favorite guests were Rufus and Yvonne Cormier.

我来了解璧万峰的经验两年前。I came to know about Yvonne Foong's experience two years ago.

我总是分不清苏珊和伊冯,因为他们都是白皮肤。I always mix Susan up with Yvonne because they are both blonde.

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伊冯·法瑞尔1974年毕业于UCD取得建筑学学位。Yvonne Farrell graduated from UCD with a degree in Architecture in 1974.

他的朋友逼他老实说出跟伊芳的关系。His friends pressed him for the truth about his relationship with Yvonne.

早年在香港及海外学习西洋画及中国画。Yvonne studied Western and Chinese painting in Hong Kong at an early age.

一家奥地利动物保护区表示,将买下遭活捉的“伊冯娜”。An Austrian animal sanctuary says it will buy Yvonne if she's taken alive.

那个护士认出了伊冯娜,微笑着径直走到我们跟前。The nurse had recognized Yvonne , and she came straight up to us, smiling.

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用他母亲去调换伊芳必要的东西。Swapplictogether withioned his mom to buy Yvonne whtogether with she need-o.

问题是,伊冯娜往往认为什么男人说,她早在它们的关系。The problem is that Yvonne often believes what men say to her early on in the relationship.

学校中唯一的黑人老师,伊夫娜希姆斯就像一位天使来到我身边。This teacher, Yvonne Sims , one of the only black teachers at the school, was like an angel.