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他们无情地逐字逐句地遵从命令。They follow orders literally and unrelentingly.

在他最终通过之前我都是很无情地培训他。I tutored him unrelentingly until he finally passed.

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而右手则不停地用伞来打我。With his right hand he unrelentingly kept whacking me with that umbrella.

具备这一种情感类型的人会不懈地对自己以最高的标准来要求。People with this emotional style unrelentingly hold themselves to the highest standards.

多数国家乐于宣扬其历史上最具光彩的篇章,德国却不断把自己最丑恶的污点揭开示众。Most countries celebrate the best in their pasts. Germany unrelentingly promotes its worst.

他是如此的投入,乃至他的工作态度足以让人们把他的一切都往好处想。But beyond that, he is so unrelentingly dedicated that he earns the benefit of the doubt with his work ethic.

但一位多疑的六岁小孩和他铁齿的母亲完全不相信圣诞老人的存在。Yet he is troubled by one skeptical six-year-old and her unrelentingly "modern" mother who don't believe in him.

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作为一个充满活力的多国企业,积分快递已逐步发展战略,不懈创造一个协同为整个组织。As a highly motivated Multinational Enterprise, TVI Express has been developing progressive strategies, which unrelentingly create a synergy for the whole Organization.

我坐在一号座位上,他挨着我站着,左手紧紧抓住扶手,右手始终不懈地继续用那把伞不停地打我。I took the first seat. He stood right beside me, and held on to the railing with his left hand. With his right hand he unrelentingly kept whacking me with that umbrella.

鉴于这无情地令人沮丧的经济报道,一定程度的衰退和疲劳是可以理解的,因为20集团各国领导们飞聚峰会并非夸张的短暂。Given the unrelentingly bleak economic news, a measure of recession fatigue is understandable as the G20 leaders fly in for a summit that has not been short on hyperbole.

功能为中心的方式构建,它们一个功能一个功能地记住用户的动作,并且以单个功能为基础区分用户操作。Most Undo facilities are constructed in an unrelentingly function-centric manner. They remember what a user does function by function and separate her actions by individual function.