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漩涡武器现在作用于妖术。Maelstrom Weapon now affects Hex.

与漏极开路输出的六反相器。Hex inverter with open-drain outputs.

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输入您的十六进位ESN在输入外地。Enter your hex ESN in the Input field.

六角缓冲区。高压硅栅CMOS。Hex buffer. High-voltage silicon-gate CMOS.

六角逆变器。高压硅栅CMOS。Hex inverter. High-voltage silicon-gate CMOS.

将哈希后的字节数组编码成十六进制字符。Encode the hashed byte array into hex characters.

六角逆变器。高性能硅栅CMOS。Hex inverter. High-performance silicon-gate CMOS.

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别让她参加咱们的活动,女人会给咱们带来厄运的。Don't let her join us, who will hex us as a female.

十六进制查看器现在支持“显示非ASCII字符”选项。Hex Viewer supports 'Show non-ASCII letters' option.

六角非反相与集电极开路输出缓冲区。Hex non-inverted buffer with open-collector outputs.

我用螺栓和螺帽焊接雕塑,你能在很多城市看到那些雕塑屹立在那儿。I make sculptures, welded entirely from bolts and hex nuts.

很好,我那本来就不存在的耐心已经被这个废物鬼婆耗尽了。OK, my non-existent patience with this hex crap has run out.

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背运据说是指被人用咒语镇住了。A hex is believed to be an evil spell that is put on someone.

所有现场拼接都用美国材料试验协会的A325六角形头螺栓。All field splices were bolted using ASTM A325 hex head bolts.

无效网络号。请输入一个有效的8位十六进制数字。Invalid Network Number. Please input a valid 8 digit hex number.

六角施密特触发器逆变器。高性能硅栅CMOS。Hex schmitt-trigger inverter. High-performance silicon-gate CMOS.

可以用十进制、十六进制或八进制记数法定义整数常数Integer constants can be defined in decimal, hex or octal notation

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交货时,铰链配有4个内六角头螺丝和垫圈。Hinges are supplied including 4 hex. socket head screws and washers.

配有十六进制数字冗长名称的文件带给您什么内容。Which brings you to the files with the hex digit gobbledygook names.

介绍了生产六方套热挤压模具的设计方法。This paper introduces the design of extrusion die in producing hex pipe.