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沉思于此。Meditate on this.

沉思,然后松手。Meditate and let go.

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学习如何冥想。Learn how to meditate.

拿着笔沉思吧。Meditate with a pen in your hand.

你的心必思想那惊吓的事,自问说,记数目的在那里呢。Thine heart shall meditate terror.

以此禅修自心的本性。Meditate on thenature of your mind.

我想研究冥想。So I want to study how to meditate.

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永远空腹打坐。Always meditate on an empty stomach.

眨着它们的红眼睛。它们沉思着。Darting their red eyes. They meditate.

我晚间到荷花池去思考问题。I meditate on a lotus pond in the evening.

神游窈冥昏默之乡是一件严肃的事。To meditate on the Shadow is a serious thing.

利用这段清闲时光去思考,回顾和计划。Use this time to reflect, review, and meditate.

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这位住持现在正试著教牠打坐。The priest is trying to teach him how to meditate.

我冥想了半个小时,天哪,我感觉好多了。I meditate for half an hour, by Jove I feel better.

也可静心冥想一个已经达到无欲的人。Also meditate on one who has attained desirelessness.

你还会如印度宗师所教导的那样,去冥想吗?You still meditate like our guru in India teach you ?

我们需要一个独立团体来调解这宗纠纷。We need an independent body to meditate in the dispute.

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你可能想利用这段安静的时间沉思或祈祷司弑炽官俅秆仇斯喘镜。You may want to use your quiet time to meditate or pray.

丽沙克!你是否每天都记着回忆艾利夫山的事情?Isaac! Have you remembered to meditate on Mt. Aleph daily?

当你静下新来考虑这些时,你感觉如何?When you get quiet and meditate about them, how do you feel?