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它们所有都是静态的吗?Are any of them static?

这是一个静态脚本。This is a static script.

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静态随机访问储存器。Static Random-Access Memory.

于静中完成这道仪式。In the static in this ritual.

因此,其拓扑是静态的。That topology is then static.

静电消除器“,”Static Electricity Eliminator.

拟出草案静态模型。Rough out a draft static model.

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他们认为世界是静止的。They treat the world as static.

一盏墨香,浅笔静开。An ink pen, shallow static open.

链接必须是静态的HTML链接。Links must be static HTML links.

这是个静态语义错误。This is a static semantic error.

也有静态的。Well-- or with something static.

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该电路的静态工作电流为7.8微安。The static current is only 7.8uA.

不要放过未加密的静态密钥。Don't pass unencrypted static keys.

反向必须是静态的HTML链接。Backlinks must be static HTML links.

缺少切入点的静态检查。Lack of static checking for pointcuts.

大多数的全局或静态数据的更改。Most changes to global or static data.

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到目前为止,我们所呈现的仅仅是一个静态的矩形框。So far, that's just a static rectangle.

这就是静态平衡的一个例子。This is an example of a static balance.

链接必须是永久性的和静态HTML。Links must be permanent and static HTML.