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在收款台的旁边。Right by the checkout desk.

结帐线的照片由斯丽拍摄。Checkout line photo by szlea.

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我会告诉负责退房的人。I'll tell the checkout person.

在那之前他在收银处工作。Until then he worked checkout.

“,”对不起,单页结帐已禁用。“Sorry, Onepage Checkout is disabled.

顺便问一下,什么时候退房?By the way, what's the checkout time?

我到收款台时,才意识到我把钱包忘在家里了。When I got to the checkout. I realized.

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继续点击,一直到校检。Click continue to proceed with checkout.

讨厌的人们急着结账回家。Grim checkout people urgent to get home.

顺便问一下,什么时间结账退房?By the way, what's the checkout time here?

进行发射前结帐的火箭。Conducting a pre-launch checkout of the rocket.

发票在付帐时返回给客户。An invoice is returned to the customer on checkout.

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在杂货店的收银台买单时帮忙打包自己的东西。Help bag your own groceries at the checkout counter.

现在收款台十分的忙碌。The checkout counters are extremely busy at the moment.

艾哈茨将负责指导实验室的启动与检验工作。Eyharts will oversee laboratory activation and checkout.

打烊时间已到,需要先结帐,先帮您买单。Closing time is up, they need to checkout before you pay.

类似地,假设您想在一个文档上执行一个签出操作。Similarly, suppose you want to do a checkout on a document.

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在结帐的表白我的网站我你有什么感想。Under checkout my websites and unburden me what do you think.

排队等待结帐的人急切地想回家,孩子喘着气,婴儿的需求想马上得到满足,光头的年轻男人向前推挤着,带着耳环,懒惰的眼神透露出暴力。Grim checkout people urgent to get home. Kids breathing asthma.

但许多新增收费是直到你退房时才会发觉的。But many of the of the new charges don't hit you until checkout.