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一个熏腌肉鸡蛋奶酪羊角面包的卡路里含量高达480。A bacon egg 'n cheese croissant packs a whopping 480.

至于中国的隐形飞机,到2024年会高达20架?As for China's stealth, a whopping 20 planes by 2024?

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08年它生产了数量庞大的3325407辆车。In year 2008 the company manufactured a whopping 3, 325, 407 units of cars.

毕竟,就算是大象也只能载动自身体重的四分之一左右,而我们小小的犀牛甲虫却能载动超过体重八百五十倍的东西呢!The rhino beetle can carry a whopping 850 times its own weight on its back.

一个小辣椒提供227卡路里,5克纤维素和高达14克的蛋白质。A small chili provides 227 calories, 5 grams of fiber, and a whopping 14 grams of protein.

仅2010年前四个月就有多达25万辆新车冲入北京的街道。A whopping 250,000 new vehicles hit Beijing's streets in the first four months of 2010 alone.

此次拍卖的高昂价格和全球报道把拉兰内引荐给新的观众。The whopping prices and global coverage of the sale introduced the Lalannes to a new audience.

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中国工人薪资上升将缓慢但无可置疑地拉低中国庞大的贸易顺差。Rising Chinese wages point to an inexorable, if gradual, reduction of its whopping trade surplus.

一个家庭生产如果使用白炽灯每年二氧化碳排量高达4.825吨。The total yearly amount of CO2 produced by a household with incandescents is a whopping 4.825 tons.

语调及音色传达了百分之三十八,而非语言的暗示传递了极大的百分之五十五。Intonation and voice quality communicate 38 percent, and nonverbal cues transmit a whopping 55 percent.

这款手机搭载高通Snapdragon1G赫兹处理器和容量巨大的16G内存。The phone runs on Qualcomm Snapdragon 1-gigahertz processor and has a whopping 16 gigabytes of storage.

2010年,美国与能源有关的二氧化碳排放量达到惊人的56.38亿吨。All told, the U.S. produced a whopping 5, 638 million metric tons of energy-related CO2 emissions in 2010.

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地中海盆地出现了数目巨大的80种新种,这让欧洲变成了可能的突变热点区。Europe seems to have been the hot spot, with a whopping 80 new species emerging in the Mediterranean Basin.

在小说里,他描述了他1861年在密苏里马里恩县和南方军队度过的惊心动魄的两周。In it, he recounts a whopping two weeks spent in 1861 with a Confederate militia in Marion County, Missouri.

扩大ETIC的范围,让中产阶级的家庭能享受到这种补贴,这将是一次巨大变革。Expanding the EITC to include any significant number of middle class families would take one whopping reform.

钢铁产量增长了50倍,水泥增长了近70倍,发电量增长了惊人了128倍。Steel production has soared by over 50 times, cement by nearly 70 times, electricity by a whopping 128 times.

从其成立到拜占庭帝国的倒蹋,足足长达2,214年的历史!Counting from its founding to the fall of the Byzantine Empire, ancient Rome lasted for a whopping 2,214 years!

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这个腐败的市长为了掩饰他自己的丑闻,给很多的记者塞了数量惊人的封嘴钱。The corrupt mayor tried to sweep his scandals under the carpet by presenting many journalists whopping hush-up.

今天,它拥有70万居民,人口密度更是高达16636人每平方英里。Today the city is home to more than 700, 000 residents, and a whopping 16, 636 people occupy every square mile.

旋转动能是,2亿焦耳,每个飞轮都是。And that kinetic energy of rotation is, then, a whopping 200 million joules in each of those rotating flywheels.