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中共第十七届中央委员会委员。Member of the 17th CPC Central Committee.

黄埔四期出的中共将领是最多的Huangpu four out of the CPC is the most general

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二则是中共莱芜县委诞生地。The two is the birthplace of Laiwu CPC committee.

美国的非战争军事行动概念是否适用于中共?Are the United States MOOTW concepts applied to CPC?

中共红安县委书记熊良霄说。Hongan CPC Committee Secretary Xiongliang Xiao said.

并设有中共上海市财贸党校。And with the CPC Shanghai Municipal FINANCE COMMITTEE.

全面揭密中共情报捍卫工作。Comprehensive does the CPC intelligence security work.

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中共召开全国钢铁工业座谈会。May 8, 1975, CPC holded a national steel industry forum.

国共两党持久战略效果之比较。The comparison of lasting strategic effects of CPC and KMT.

一九七三年中共中央决定开除其党籍。In 1973 the CPC Central Committee decided to expel the party.

国共两党持久战略效果之比较。IV. The comparison of lasting strategic effects of CPC and KMT.

承担机关党委的日常工作。to be responsible for the daily business of the CPC party committee.

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陈独秀是中共历史上颇有争议的领袖人物。Chen Duxiu was a rather controversial leader in the history of the CPC.

链霉素可抑制机械牵张对CPC组上述参数的影响。Streptomycin inhibited the effect of stretch on AP and ERP in CPC group.

笔者以为这一时期中共对蒋政策应是抗日反蒋。The author thought that this time CPC should opposes Japan counter-Jiang.

公社化的最终实现,是在中央的领导和规范下完成的。The final realization was led and normalized by the CPC Central Committee.

密切联系群众是我党三大优良作风之一。Building close Party-masses relationship is one of three fine styles of CPC.

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第二部分,新时期党对党代会常任制的有益探索。The CPC has explored the system of standing party congress in the close period.

党的先进性建设是马克思主义政党的根本性建设。The advancement construction of CPC is a basic construction of Marxist parties.

吴邦国代表中共中央、全国人大欢迎布卢姆访华。On behalf of the CPC Central Committee and the NPC, Wu extended welcome to Blum.