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这里的主要种植的是椰子和丁香。The main cro grown in Zanzibar are coconuts and cloves.

这里的主要种植的是椰子和丁香。The main crops grown in Zanzibar are coconuts and cloves.

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桑给巴尔的岛一般是比较平坦低的土地。Islands of Zanzibar are generally flat and low land lying.

辣椒非洲岸桑巴尔岛椒属豆夹研磨而。Capsicum grown on the eastern coast of Africa and in Zanzibar.

坦噶尼喀与桑吉巴合并组成坦桑尼亚共和国。Tanganyika and Zanzibar join to form the Republic of Tanzania.

数桑给巴尔岛的猫儿有多少只而寰游世界是划不来的。It is not worth while to go round the world to count the cats in Zanzibar.

自1890年以来一直是英国保护国的桑给巴尔独立。Zanzibar became independent, after being a British Protectorate since 1890.

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英国的要求没人理,最后对弱小的桑给巴尔发起攻击。When the British’s demands were not met, they opened fired on the far weaker Zanzibar.

在阿曼的苏丹统治东非沿岸大部分地区时,就定都在桑给巴尔。The sultans of Oman were once in Zanzibar , when they ruled much of the East African coast.

英国-桑给巴尔战争是1896年8月27日发生在英国和桑给巴尔之间的战争。The Anglo-Zanzibar War was fought between the United Kingdom and Zanzibar on 27 August 1896.

唐代的青白瓷器和钱币在埃及、肯尼亚、桑给巴尔等地多有发现。The blue-white porcelain and coins of Tang Dynasty were also found in Egypt, Kenya and Zanzibar.

在东非斯瓦希里沿岸的贸易城镇中,桑给巴尔石头镇是一个典型代表。The Stone Town of Zanzibar is a fine example of the Swahili coastal trading towns of East Africa.

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桑给巴尔岛近来已成为度假和蜜月新的理想目的地。Zanzibar has of late become the newly discovered destination for holiday makers and honeymooners.

英国东非包括前英国领土的肯尼亚,乌干达,坦噶尼喀和桑给巴尔。British East Africa comprised the former British territories of Kenya, Uganda, Tanganyika &am Zanzibar.

事故发生在桑给巴尔岛和奔巴岛之间,超过180人溺亡,其中许多是儿童。More than 180 people drowned in the accident between the islands of Zanzibar and Pemba, many of them children.

随着每年越来越多的游客来到这里,旅游业已经被认定为第一重要的争取外汇的行业。Tourism has been ear-marked as the primary foreign exchange earner, with more visitors coming to Zanzibar each year.

8至19世纪的东非除了桑吉巴之外,都存在小范围的奴隶社会There were certain localized slave societies in East Africa, out of Zanzibar by the eighteenth and nineteenth century.

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大首领所救的战争孤儿,从灰狐到桑给巴尔岛的孩子,看起来都是大首领这一企业的资产。The war orphans Big Boss rescues, from Gray Fox to the kids at Zanzibar Land, all seem to be capital for Big Boss' enterprises.

布隆迪、肯尼亚、卢旺达、坦桑尼亚、乌干达和桑给巴尔的警察、海关和药品管理部门参与了这次行动。The operation involved police, customs and drug regulatory authorities across Burundi, Kenya, Rwanda, Tanzania, Uganda and Zanzibar.

桑给巴尔岛与坦桑尼亚内陆相隔35公里,由温古贾岛和奔巴岛两个主要岛屿及数不清的较小岛屿组成。Located about 35 kilometers from mainland Tanzania, Zanzibar consists of two main islands–Unguja and Pemba–plus numerous smaller islands.