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但当葵花分开后,德川终将怒气发泄出来。But when sunflower separated, tokugawa will anger let out.

经过了一个世纪的内战,德川幕府粉墨登场。The Tokugawa shogunate arose after over a century of civil war.

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「德川幕府倒台乃咎由自取」在什麽程度上同意此说法?。To what extent, the downfall of Tokugawa is caused by themselves?

培理叩关在哪些方面是德川幕府晚期历史的转捩点?In what ways was the coming of Perry a turning point in late Tokugawa history?

关原之战的结果使德川家康成为日本毫无辩驳的主人。The Battle of Sekigehara leaves Leyasu Tokugawa as the undisputed master of Japan.

从德川时代开始,天主教已经见证了3,125名具名的日本志士。The Catholic church today recognises 3,125 Japanese martyrs from the Tokugawa era.

小德川流,大德敦化,此天地之所以为大也。Tokugawa flow of small and large Mamoud of this world are the reason for the large.

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20年后,江户幕府暴虐的封建专制面临着愈来愈大的压力。Two decades later the despoticfeudalism of the Tokugawa shogunate was under greater strain.

在德川中后期,初级市场经济呈现规模发展趋势,日本封建社会孕育了自己的资本主义“萌芽”。In the mid and late stages of Tokugawa period, primary market economy began to develop extensively.

从理论上讲,德川氏以今川家家臣的身份驻守骏河东部的三河国。In theory, the Tokugawa are vassals of the Imagawa clan to the east in the provinces of Suruga and Totomi.

贾小枪怀疑谷小山的父亲在县城开药房是德川高套,他带人马上赶过去。Jia small gun doubt GuXiaoShans father in the town pharmacy is open tokugawa set high, he took one immediately.

居住在大阪的哲学家森冈正博说,德川年代与今天的共同点是和平。The common element between the Tokugawa era and today, says Osaka -based philosopher Masahiro Morioka, is peace.

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德川幕府在1800年后面对哪些问题?日本门户开放如何使该等问题恶化?What problems did the Tokugawa Shogunate face after 1800? How did the opening of Japan intensify these problems?

当德川向三水投诉日本侨民遭攻击时,三水向他说出暴动是由他暗中发起。When Japanese nationals to sanshui complaints tokugawa attack, sanshui to him by his name riots is secretly launch.

德川多郎命令矢野、庆子率挺进队打着风狼队的名号到处烧杀奸淫。Tokugawa Taro ordered Yano and Qing Zi rate under the name of the wind wolves advance team burned, killed and raped.

谷小册被展示在老百姓面前,德川准备上演出一出大义灭亲的好戏。Valley brochure was show in front of people, the tokugawa ready to put on a place righteousness above family loyalty.

乙恒见三水呈现后,便将三水当天与德川的对话内容说出,更拔枪欲击杀他。After YiHeng see sanshui, will present the tokugawa dialogue with sanshui say, more content to pull out a gun kill him.

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德川家族一直统治了日本200年,一直到闭关锁国后,在国外的强权国家影响下打开日本国门为止。The Tokugawa clan kept control of Japan for over 200 years, shutting the country off from pernicious outside influences.

谷母请谷小山跟他回日本,他热爱中国,德川的行为让他也很愤怒。Valley mother please GuXiaoShan back to Japan with him, he loves China, the behavior of the tokugawa let him also very angry.

1853年,美国殖民主义者率领舰队来到日本近海,要求与德川幕府谈判。In 1853, the United States came to the Japanese colonialists , led by Fleet offshore, to negotiate with the Tokugawa shogunate.