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安卡拉,我的同班同学在开塞里和伊士麦。Ankara uncles, in Kayseri and Izmir classmates.

安卡拉就是ISIS的总部,这个事实人们已经知道很长一段时间了。Ankara is the ISIS headquarters. Been known for a long time.

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安卡拉曾批评布什政府没有采取足够措施。Ankara criticized the Bush administration for not doing enough.

拜登星期三在安卡拉会晤了土耳其总统埃尔多安。Biden met in Ankara Wednesday with Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan.

修正了一个剧本,在驻军瑟瓦斯,其产生的单位在安卡拉。Fixed a bug in garrison script for Sivas, which generated units in Ankara.

伊斯坦布尔塔克西姆广场和首都安卡拉都再次举行集会。Fresh rallies have been held in Taksim Square in Istanbul and the capital Ankara.

安卡拉指责库尔德工人党把伊拉克做为基地向土耳其军队发动袭击。Ankara accuses the PKK of using Iraq as a base to launch attacks against its forces.

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安卡拉和北京在土耳其的中央安纳托利亚地区上个月举办了军事演习。Ankara and Beijing conducted the drills in Turkey's Central Anatolia region last month.

土耳其外长河埃及外长在安卡拉会晤以寻求解决冲突的方式。The foreign minister of Turkey and Egypt met in Ankara to seek ways to end the fighting.

土耳其的安卡拉国家流感中心实验室检测的质量是高的。The quality of laboratory testing at Turkey’s National Influenza Centre in Ankara is high.

安卡拉也应该支持深化与伊朗的关系,这布热津斯基解释说,美国政府。Ankara is also deepening its ties with Iran, which Zbigniew Brzezinski has explained that the U.

大使卡尔洛夫在被凶手击倒前,他正在安卡拉一场由俄国大使馆资助的展览上进行演讲。Karlov was several minutes into a speech at theembassy-sponsored exhibition in Ankara when he was gunned down.

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达武特奥卢是当天上午在安卡拉与到访的阿富汗外长拉苏尔举行会晤时作上述表示的。Davutoglu that morning in Ankara and held the visiting Afghan Foreign Minister Rasul made the remarks when meeting.

土耳其退伍军人进行期间土耳其国旗庆祝胜利日在安卡拉8月30日的第89周年的阅兵式。Turkish veterans carry Turkish flags during a parade marking the 89th anniversary of Victory Day in Ankara Aug. 30.

从这个意义上说,未来十年里,安卡拉投资计划中包含核技术不容推迟。In this sense, over the next decade Ankara intends to include nuclear technology in its portfolio without any delays.

阿纳多卢同样报道了17名警察已经在直升机攻击他们安卡拉的总部下牺牲了。Anadolu is also reporting that 17 police officers have been killed in a helicopter attack on their headquarters in Ankara.

作为一个榜样,安卡拉和雅典之间已近进入一个关系缓和的时代,而土耳其与叙利亚的关系也得到了极大改善。Ankara and Athens, for instance, have entered a period of detente, and relations between Turkey and Syria have greatly improved.

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合作实验室的负责人目前正在安卡拉支援该国国家流感中心的诊断工作。The head of the collaborating laboratory is now in Ankara to support diagnostic work at the country’s national influenza centre.

但当华盛顿对美土之间破坏性的不和的恐惧达到顶点,还有什么比这更好的谋求美国帮助对付PKK的时刻吗?But what better moment to enlist U.S. help against the PKK than when Washington's fears of a damaging rift with Ankara are at their height?

一四○二年,成吉思汗后人帖木儿在安哥拉一战之中,打败并活捉了鄂图曼帝国的苏丹巴耶塞特。In the Battle of Ankara in 1402, Timur, a descendant of Genghis Khan, defeated Bajazid, Sultan of the Ottoman Empire, and took him prisoner.