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病程为持续性加重。Course of diseases is durative accentuation.

光阳轴承的著名品牌源于企业的持续创新。The famous trade-mark of Guang Yang Bearing comes from durative innovation.

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目的评价青光眼持续性高眼压下的手术疗效。Objective To evaluate the efficacy of surgery for glaucoma with durative intraocular hypertension.

开发海外能源资源是我国今后持续性经济发展的必然选择。Developing overseas energy sources is the inevitable choice of our country economic durative growth.

但是,不可否认的是,这样的开源缺乏一个持续性的保障,发展也会受到局限。But, undeniable is, such lack opening a source a durative safeguard, development also can get confine.

严重者可出现持续性疼痛,甚至咀嚼、咬物、打哈欠、讲话时疼痛。Serious person can appear durative ache, the masticatory even, ache when biting content, gape , speech.

心房颤动是最常见的持续性心律失常之一,危害着人们的生命健康。Atria fibrillation is one of durative arrhythmia of the most familiar, it is harmful to healthiness of the people.

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第二性格改变,多为持续性情感不稳为主,易怒、伤感或哭泣。Secondary case is changed, feel flabby for durative affection more give priority to, irritable, sentimental or cry.

实验证明,当小动脉发生持续性收缩时,骨胳肌发生痉挛跳动,肢体麻木等现象。Experiments have proved that when the arteriole produce durative contraction, skeletal muscle cramps occur, numbness, etc.

高血压病人由于血压长期持续性升高,可引起视网膜的一些病理改变。HypertensiveThe patient because blood pressure is long-term durative elevatory , can cause change of retinal a few pathology.

后期则可由于食管瘢痕所致的狭窄,出现持续性吞咽困难。Later period criterion but the stricture as a result of esophagus scar be caused by, appear durative deglutition is difficult.

通过对河口出汊摆动发生并得以持续发展的条件的分析,阐述了黄河河口尾闾出汊摆动的机理及其影响。According to the analysis of Yellow River estuary river fork durative swing, expound on the river folk swing theory and impact.

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企业可以通过提高经营管理水平和选择有利的行业结合,以获得稳定的收益和持续的增长。The firm can improve managing level and choose advantageous business portfolio, then achieve stable income and durative growth.

研究区局部的生态环境恶化趋势得到控制,但是整个地区持续恶化的趋势却没有得到根本性的扭转。Entironment in partial study area had been meliorated , but the durative and exasperate trend in whole area had not altered at all.

为了保证服务器对外服务的持续性,提高服务器的可靠性,双机容错服务器是一种较好的解决方案。Dual fault-tolerance server is a good solution to guarantee the durative of servers' services and to enhance the reliability of ser-ver.

临床糖尿病肾病早期唯一的表现为蛋白尿,蛋白尿从间歇性逐渐发展为持续性。ClinicalDiabeticThe show with inchoate and only nephrosis is albuminuria, albuminuria develops gradually from intermittence for durative.

如发生乳腺小叶增生,则可能在整个月经周期有持续性疼痛,经前加剧。If produce hyperplasia of mammary gland flocculus , be in possibly wholeMenstruationCycle has durative ache, the aggravate before classics.

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华化的高速持续发展,得益于社会各界的关心与支持和全体华化人的共同努力,而且也得益于企业文化的创新和发展。Huahua's high-speed and durative development profits from public support, great effort of Huahua's staff and the innovation of corporate culture.

耳边不时飘过柔和的旋律,给来到这里的每个人都营造出宽松祥和的气氛,让首次见面的陌生人之间立刻减少了很多距离。The durative and pastel rhythm around the ears provides everyone here with a sweet atmosphere, which makes the stranges friendly with each other.

自主创新环境对区域来讲,是保持区域持续自主创新能力和竞争优势的必要的宏观背景。Self-innovation environment is necessary macroscopy background of maintaining durative self-innovation ability and competitive advantage to region.