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今天我去看牙医。Today, I went to see my orthodontist.

今天我被一个专业牙医弄穿了嘴唇。Today I got my lip pierced. By the orthodontist. FML.

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正畸医生从比利的口腔内部取了模型。An orthodontist took a cast of the inside of Billy's mouth.

请记得你今天三点要看矫牙医师。Please remember the orthodontist will be seeing you at 3 today.

请记住今天下午三点你要看齿列矫正医师?!Please remember the orthodontist will be seeing you at three today?

要是学生戴着牙套说明他正在看正牙医生。A student who wears braces on his teeth is obviously under the care of an orthodontist.

括号用于矫正的牙医和重新调整到一个更理想的位置和功能用途化妆品牙齿。Braces are used by dentists and orthodontist to realign teeth into a more desirable position for cosmetics and functionality purposes.

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百货大厦七层的电梯门一开,他就拖着那不情愿的沉重脚步踏入电梯,就像个被拽着去看牙医的小孩子一样。Emerging from the elevator on the seventh floor of Saks, he carried himself with the heavy gait of a child being dragged to the orthodontist.

明知道我对乳胶过敏,牙医给我看牙的时候还是戴着乳胶手套。Turns out my orthodontist used latex gloves on me, even though there is a note on the screen that specifically says that I am allergic to latex.

牙套会使牙齿移动,与此同时脸部骨骼也会受到影响,当然结果主要还是依赖于矫正医生。When teeth are shifted due to wearing braces, the facial bone structure can be affected, mostly depending on the intended result by your orthodontist.

今天我去看牙医,他说我需要戴着牙套去演出去参加哥哥的婚礼以及去上学。Today, I went to my orthodontist where I was informed that I'll going to the prom, to my brother's wedding, and maybe to university with braces in my mouth.

所以剧组连忙召唤了一位牙医来补救这位女星的门牙豁口。尽管在镜头中我们看到是客串演员演的牙医帮助贝蒂解救她那卡住的牙套,但实际上的确出动了牙医。A dentist was summoned to the make-up trailer to fix the star's chip, though on camera it will be guest orthodontist Kathy Najimy extricating Betty from her stuck braces.