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该病例为南苏拉威西省望加锡一名14岁女孩。The case is a 14-year-old female from Makassar, South Sulawesi Province.

2006年病毒向东进一步蔓延至巴布亚岛和苏门答腊的大部分地区。In 2006 the virus spread further east infecting Papua and much of Sulawesi.

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他是一只黑面短尾猴,住在印度以西亚的苏拉威西岛上。He is a black face Stump-tailed monkey, living in Sulawesi Island, Indonesia.

在苏拉威西和其他几个东部地区,基督教和穆斯林人口大致相当。In Sulawesi and several other eastern regions, Christian and Muslim populations are roughly equal.

2008年7月,痢娘们儿带领一个代表团来多岛城包堡,该岛位于苏拉威西岛的东南部。In July 2008, Ms. Lee led a delegation to Baubau, a town on Buton Island, off southeastern Sulawesi.

军方和民间的搜寻人员则继续在北部的苏拉维西岛海域进行搜寻。Military and civilian search teams continued to scour the coast off the northern island of Sulawesi.

一个回教的斗士监禁在致命的炸弹之上对苏拉威西岛的攻击逃亡监狱,官员说。An Islamic militant jailed over a deadly bomb attack on the island of Sulawesi escapes prison, officials say.

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这支舰队穿过龙目海峡、望加锡海峡和苏拉威西海进入西太平洋。The flotilla passed along the Lombok Strait, Makassar Strait and the Sulawesi Sea to enter the West Pacific Ocean.

病毒已在爪哇、苏门答腊、巴厘和南苏拉威西等地流行,其他地区也报告发生零星疫情。The virus is endemic in Java, Sumatra, Bali and southern Sulawesi with sporadic outbreaks reported from other areas.

印度尼西亚东部的一座岛屿,位于新几内亚与苏拉威西岛之间。An island of eastern Indonesia between New Guinea and Sulawesi. Irregular in shape, it is the largest of the Moluccas.

苏拉维西是口感最雅致的印度尼西亚咖啡豆,带浓厚的大的气息,顺滑而丰富的口感中透出悠悠的草本味道。Indonesia's most elegant coffee, Sulawesi offers an earthy aroma, a smooth full body and complex flavour with herbal notes.

这黑色短尾猿的发现只有印度尼西亚的西北部地区存在,主要在苏拉威西岛-也被称为西里伯斯岛。This black macaque is found only in northwestern parts of Indonesia mostly on the island of Sulawesi — also known as Celebes.

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这黑色短尾猿的发现,只有西北部地区的印度尼西亚,主要在苏拉威西岛-也被称为西里伯斯岛。This black macaque is found only in northwestern parts of Indonesia, mostly on the island of Sulawesi — also known as Celebes.

罗肯火山高1580米,位于北苏拉威西省省会万鸦老附近,是当地著名的旅游景点。Luoken 1580 meters high volcano, located in the North Sulawesi provincial capital Manado near is the famous tourist attractions.

罗肯火山海拔1580米,位于北苏拉威西省省会万鸦老附近,是当地著名的旅游景点。Luoken altitude of 1580 m volcano, located in the North Sulawesi provincial capital Manado near is the famous tourist attractions.

2009年2月17日,马来西亚沙巴州的苏拉威西海边,儿童们正在戏水。Young sea gypsies play in the water in the centerof their neighborhood in the Sulawesi Sea in Malaysia'sstate of Sabah, on February 17, 2009.

卫生部危机处理中心的负责人巴卡亚说,中部地区的苏拉威西岛连日受大雨的袭击。Rustam Pakaya, the head of the health ministry's crisis center, says the central province of Sulawesi has been hit hard by days of heavy rain.

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哈达?拉加萨称援救信号是在苏拉维西岛中部上空收到的,紧急救援队前往搜寻生还者。Hatta Radjasa said a distress signal had been picked up over central Sulawesi and that emergency crews were on their way to search for survivors.

同类的其他物种仅在印尼苏拉威西岛被查尔斯·达尔文的同事阿尔佛雷德·拉塞尔·华莱士发现过。The only other species in this genus was discovered by Alfred Russell Wallace, a colleague of Charles Darwin, on the Indonesian island of Sulawesi.

西里伯斯岛冠猕猴。这黑色短尾猿的发现,只有西北部地区的印度尼西亚,主要在苏拉威西岛-也被称为西里伯斯岛。Celebes Crested Macaque This black macaque is found only in northwestern parts of Indonesia, mostly on the island of Sulawesi — also known as Celebes.