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责任被分散出去了。Responsibility becomes diffuse.

回忆定格的年间,悲伤如水般弥漫。Memory frames, sad like water diffuse.

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你的文章行文冗赘,弄得我有点糊涂了。I got lost in your rather diffuse essay.

寂寞相随的年间,悲伤如水般弥漫。The years lonely, sad like water diffuse.

天空不明的年间,悲伤如水般弥漫。The sky is unknown, as water diffuse sadness.

我不喜欢他写作中冗赘的文体。I dont like the diffuse style of his writings.

血雾弥漫的皇城,却引来狼牙似的月亮。Blood fog diffuse imperial, but led to the moon.

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组织学类型主要为弥漫大B细胞淋巴瘤。Diffuse large B-cell lymphoma is the most common.

胸腔镜下看见弥漫性多发肺囊泡。Thoracoscopy revealed multiple diffuse lung cysts.

水开始多了,多到要漫出来了。Water began to more, more than to have to diffuse out.

印刷品有助于传播科学知识。The printing press helped diffuse scientific knowledge.

在近红外区域,本文采用了漫反射测量方式。Diffuse reflection mode is used in Near-Infrared region.

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病理类型主要为弥漫性大B细胞性淋巴瘤。Most of histological types were diffuse B-cell lymphoma.

屋里的桌凳上都积漫了岁月的尘埃。The table and stool lay on the diffuse the dust of time.

当今世界的知识既是扩散的又是局限的。Knowledge in today’s world is both diffuse and localized.

创建用于生物镜面,碰撞和弥漫地图。Creating Specular, Bump and Diffuse maps for the creature.

两种纯化产物在SDS-PAGE上均显示为单一条带。Both preparations showed a single diffuse band on SDS-PAGE.

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绝大多数为弥漫大B细胞淋巴瘤。The majority of it is usually the diffuse large B-cell type.

那太简明有力了,不象一个罗里罗嗦的女子。It is too strong and concise, not diffuse enough for a woman.

享乐主义和轻薄浮佻会将地狱扩展到我们的整个日子之中。Hedonism and frivolity will diffuse hell through all our days.