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于是二人下到伯特利。So they went down to Bethel.

约瑟家打发人去窥探伯特利。And the house of Joseph sent to descry Bethel.

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第三节经文纪录亚伯拉罕终于回到伯特利。In verse 3, Abraham finally returns to Bethel.

上帝信守在伯特利对雅各的许诺。God was true to promise made to Jacob at Bethel.

雅各在伯特利有那些特别的经历?What were Jacob's special experiences at Bethel?

他将一只供在贝特耳,一只供在丹。And he set the one in Bethel , and the other in Dan.

伯特利人和艾人共一百二十三名。The men of Bethel and Ai, an hundred twenty and three.

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于是乎,我们到达了伯特利,那里的先知们出来和我见了面。Then we went to Bethel. The prophets who were at Bethel came out to me.

在美国缅因州的一个城镇,贝索,老天矫揉造作地下了厚厚的一地雪。It really snowed a shovel up in the cutesy town of Bethel in Maine, USA.

雅各欺骗哥哥以扫以后,离开别是巴,逃往哈兰。Bethel After deceiving his brother, Jacob left Beer-sheba and fled to Haran.

于是,他另取道而行,没有从他来贝特耳的路上回去。So he departed by another road and did not go back the way he had come to Bethel.

于是,他另取道而行,没有从他来贝特耳的路上回去。So he departed by another way, and returned not by the way that he came into Bethel.

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我们发现有趣的是,北方的王耶罗波安在伯特利设立的错误的崇拜竟然是一个金牛犊。It is interesting that the false worship established in Bethel by Jeroboam was a golden calf.

山尼-鲁斯住在约旦河西岸定居点贝瑟尔,该定居点位于近巴勒斯坦统治的城市拉马拉。Chanie Luz lives in the West Bank settlement of Bethel near the Palestinian-ruled city of Ramallah.

摩押必因基抹羞愧,像以色列家从前倚靠伯特利的神羞愧一样。And Moab shall be ashamed of Chemosh, as the house of Israel was ashamed of Bethel their confidence.

若苏厄调了约五千人,令他们埋伏在贝特耳与哈依之间,即在哈依西面。Then he took five thousand men whom he set in ambush between Bethel and Ai, to the west of the city.

他每年巡行到伯特利,吉甲,米斯巴,在这几处审判以色列人。From year to year he went on a circuit from Bethel to Gilgal to Mizpah, judging Israel in all those places.

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他挑了约有五千人,使他们埋伏在伯特利和艾城的中间,就是在艾城的西边.Joshua had taken about five thousand men and set them in ambush between Bethel and Ai, to the west of the city.

一天,我跟着他去了吉甲,接着他让我呆在那里,说上帝派他去伯特利有特别任务要执行。I then went with him to Gilgal and he told me to stay at Gilgal because the Lord sent him for special work in Bethel.

艾城和伯特利城没有一人不出来追赶以色列人的,撇了敞开的城门,去追赶以色列人。Not a man remained in Ai or Bethel who did not go after Israel. They left the city open and went in pursuit of Israel.