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我视觉之内只是黑色而已。But it is sheerly black within my sight. How time flies!

音乐存在的第三个层次,是纯音乐层次。The third plane on which music exists is the sheerly musical plane.

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情节与情节发展相当于我们的纯音乐的层次。The plot and plot development is equivalent to our sheerly musical plane.

听所有这些成分,就是在纯音乐层次上听。Listening to all of these elements is listening on the sheerly musical plane.

听所有这些成分就是在纯音乐的层次上听。Listening to all of these elements ism listening on the sheerly musical plane.

科学中最谨严而令人信服的一门。That most exact and convincing of all sciences, mathematics, is sheerly metaphysical.

我们大家对音乐的纯音乐层次变得更为敏感些,这一点非常重要。It is very important for all of us to become more alive to music on its sheerly musical plane.

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第三,一些诊所为了牟利而强加给病人各种不必要的检查和治疗。Thirdly, some clinics impose on patients unnecessary treatment or examination sheerly for profit.

通过他的话语,与他所散发出来的特质,世人看到了权力结构的真相。By what he told people and sheerly by what he radiated, he caused structures of power to be seen for what they truly were.

学校教育的巨大作用不在于向学生传授知识,而在于教会学生治学之道。Instead of sheerly imparting knowledge to students, the significant function of school education lies in to teach them knowing how to study.

如果跟IFP说清楚纯粹逻辑的框架对人类的帮助,会让他们更乐于面对这一科。Presenting sheerly logical tasks within the framework of how performing the task helps humans will help the IFP face the task more willingly.