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林深受感动。Lin was greatly moved.

我发现她老得多了。I found her greatly aged.

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我发现他老多了。I found him greatly aged.

这支海军的实力已大大增强。The navy has got up greatly.

这大大降低了抖动。This greatly reduces judder.

大大提高武器发展。Greatly enhances weapons dev.

那封信使她非常不安。The letter tossed her greatly.

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这消息使我们非常惊异。The news greatly surprised us.

现在风小多了。The wind has narrowed greatly.

他的回答令我大吃一惊。His answer startled me greatly.

卢布已大大贬值了。The ruble has devalued greatly.

首先,它会大大提高速度。First, it greatly improves speed.

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儿子的去世给她的打击十分沉重。Her son's death hits her greatly.

由于深受意象派的影响,T。Greatly influenced by imagists, T.

她的好奇心给激发起来了。Her curiosity was greatly excited.

鲁莽行为令人很厌恶。Rude behaviour displeases greatly.

流出速率大为增加。The efflux rate increases greatly.

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附件极大地简化了这个任务。Add-ons greatly simplify this task.

关节炎把她折腾得够呛。Her arthritis troubles her greatly.

这个经历使她极大地成熟了。This experience matured her greatly.