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或者你可以自己开一家罐头工厂。Or open a cannery on your own.

然后你可以自己开一家罐头工厂。Then you can open your own cannery.

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罐头厂几乎刚成立就废弃了。The cannery was abandoned almost as soon as it was built.

建造这座水族馆的建筑物过去是一座被称为“罐头工厂”的工厂。It is in a building that used to be a kind of factory called a cannery.

伊凡喝醉了,他从罐头厂偷走了好多喷雾罐,喷水壶和垃圾箱。Ivan was canned, he stole some spay cans, watering cans and trash cans from the cannery.

伊凡喝醉了,他从罐头厂偷走了好多喷雾罐,喷水壶和垃圾箱。Ivan was canned , he stole some spray cans, watering cans and trash cans from the cannery.

有些人在造船,有些人在罐头食品工厂工作,还有些人在把鱼搬进来。Some men were building boats, others were working in the cannery , and others werebringing the fish in.

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有很多中等大小企业的领导,比如家庭食品加工罐头公司,是棕榈油和香料的销售商。These were leaders of medium sized business , like Home Food Processing and Cannery , a seller of palm oil and spices.

这些人是一些中型企业如家庭食品生产和罐装的领导,如一个棕榈油和香料的销售商。These were leaders of medium-sized businesses, like Home Food Processing and Cannery , a seller of palm oil and spices.

抵达蒙特丽半岛,来到热闹的渔人码头,旧沙丁鱼罐头厂精品区。Depart the Bay Area for Monterey Bay, visit Fisherman's Wharf and the Cannery Row, made famous by writer John Steinbeck.

昨天我们在哥伦比亚河附近,一个罐头食品工厂的村子碰到他,那时我们正在看一些渔夫把鱼搬进来。We met him yesterday at a cannery village near the Columbia River, when we were watching some fishermen bring in the fish.

不要再把打来的鱼卖给鱼贩,你要直接卖给客户,并最终开办自己的鱼罐头公司。Instead of selling your catch to a middleman, you would sell directly to the processor, eventually opening your own cannery.

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她的父亲是太平洋贝尔公司的电汽技师,而母亲则是罐头厂的一名工人也是一名运输队的成员。Her father worked as an electrical technician for Pacific Bell and her mother was a cannery worker and a member of the Teamsters.

村子里每个人都很忙。有些人在造船,有些人在罐头食品工厂工作,还有些人在把鱼搬进来。In the village everyone was busy. Some men were building boats, others were working in the cannery , and others were bringing the fish in.

他说,牛还能吃罐头厂的废料和蔬菜加工者丢弃的东西,像畸形的青豆、胡萝卜,甚至是薯条。He says cattle can also eat cannery waste and items rejected by vegetable processors -- like misshapen green beans, carrots, even French fries.

该水族馆过去是一家罐头工厂,以前在这家工厂里,工人们把鱼收拾好放在罐头里,然后出售。It is in a building that used to be a kind of factory called a cannery. This was where workers prepared fish and placed them in cans to be sold.

弗林特的家乡一直以沙丁鱼闻名,直到某天宝宝布兰特沙丁鱼罐头厂倒闭。因为全世界的人都发现沙丁鱼让人恶心。We were famous for sardines until the day the Baby Brent Sardine Cannery closed for good, right after everyone in the world realized that sardines are super gross.