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请告诉我实际情况.Please give me the lowdown..

告诉我那新经理的底细.Give me the lowdown on the new manager.

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她急于知道新工作的内幕细节。She was very anxious to get the lowdown in her new job.

告诉我一些内幕,要怎么才能得到这里的工作?Give me the lowdown what's the secret to get a job around here?

了解一下睾丸癌及其他一系列睾丸疾病的真相。Get the lowdown on testicular cancer and other testicular diseases.

这需要我们充分利用档案资料以揭示历史真相。We need to adequately utilize dossiers to open out the his tory lowdown.

设想,南方隔离主义的内幕束缚北方民主党。Imagine, these lowdown Southern segregationists put the Northern Democrats down.

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你不必为了了解他的底细而与他交往6个月.You don't have to date a guy for six months to get the lowdown on who he really is.

在这里的感觉上,干洗方法是最好的人民和这个星球。Here's the lowdown on which dry cleaning methods are best for people and the planet.

我们的朋友在有关大爆炸的博客那里,告诉我们最古怪彩虹的真相。Our friends at Big Bang Blogs give us the lowdown on the weirdest rainbows out there.

去跟杰克谈谈,他认识他,所以你应该很容易得到他的一些个人资料。Go to talk with Jack. He knows him so it shouldn't be hard for you to get his lowdown.

如果你想知道办公室里任何一个人的内幕,去问山姆。他是办公室的八卦王。If you want the lowdown on anyone in the office, ask Sam. He's the office gossip king.

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亲密对于情侣关系是不可或缺的要素,让我们来看一下什么是亲密,如何做才能做到亲密。Find out why intimacy is an essential ingredient to any relationship and get the lowdown on how to achieve it.

杂志和时尚杂志合作提供时装展示会报导、流行趋势报告和名人风度的内幕。W and Vogue magazines team up to provide fashion show coverage, trend reports, and the lowdown on celebrity style.

在宠物店买一只只小狗意味着你不会从那了解到什么繁育知识,或者你愿意面对发生的任何行为或者其他问题。Purchasing a puppy from a store means you will not get the lowdown on that breed or likely help with any behavioral or other questions.

目击者把有关聚会上发生的实情告诉了警方,但当警察到达那个刺客隐藏的地方,他早已逃之夭夭了。The witness gave the police the lowdown on what happened at the party, but when the police arrived at the shelter, the assassinator had absconded.

在本周早些时候我们碰上了考迪,这个17岁的小将向我们透露了很多内部消息,事实证明这次在梅尔伍德训练的经历是非常宝贵的。It proved to be an invaluable experience for the 17-year-old who gave us the lowdown on what he got up to when we caught up with him earlier this week.

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克莱门斯悻悻地离开华沙,到遥远的新奥尔良,向占卜师卡普里尔夫人求教,希望知道自己未来的爱情之火是否有机会重燃。After he departed Warsaw, Clemens went so far as to consult a fortuneteller in New Orleans, one Madame Caprell, from whom he sought the lowdown on his prospects for rekindling the romance.