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我要上告于凯撒。I appeal unto Caesar.

Liya具有全球吸引力。Liya has a global appeal.

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上诉被驳回了。The appeal was set aside.

这些都不能引起我的兴趣。None of these appeal to me.

诉求更祟高的动机。Appeal to the noble motives.

维亚康姆称其计划上诉。Viacom said it plan to appeal.

你们不应该诉诸武力。You should not appeal to force.

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苹果的产品可以满足虚荣心。Apple products have snob appeal.

这两样都对他有吸引力。Both these things appeal to him.

上诉是他的正当权利。It is his legal right to appeal.

纤细的腰身具有永恒的吸引力Timeless Appeal of Slender Waist

但是他说,这正是他魅力所在。But that, he says, is his appeal.

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这个剧没有票房价值。The play has no box-office appeal.

不存在其他的可供申诉的法庭了。There is no other court of appeal.

他们简直是社会的疱疹。He has the social appeal of herpes.

上诉法院命令重审。The Court of Appeal ordered a retrial.

他们对受害者的诉求充耳不闻。They were deaf to the victim's appeal.

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渥林格的作品具有广泛的感染力。Wallinger's works have a broad appeal.

新政策也推出了申诉权。It also introduces the right to appeal.

现在就有了一个坚实的申诉基础。Now Thad has a solid ground for appeal.