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还有就是音高的变化。The second is pitch variability.

死亡的可变性又如何?What about the variability of death?

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也就是说,它可以统一起来。That is, it wouldn't have to have variability.

第二部分的答案是关于易变性。The second part of the answer is about variability.

虽然如此,这里仍然可以存在可变性。And for that matter, there could still be variability.

UHS系统可变性的来源是什麽?What are the sources of variability in the UHS system?

你可以选择完全的可预见性。You could have variability with complete predictability.

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脓毒症患者血糖的变异性和致命性。Glucose variability and mortality in patients with sepsis.

可变性涉及到资产应该如何进行定制。Variability refers to how customizable the asset should be.

赖特说各个球场的投手丘的差异其实是很大的。Leiter said that there is a lot of variability between mounds.

实际上,孤独症的症状差别很大,它是一个谱系。There is a variability of symptoms, and a whole spectrum there.

例如,对于银行业务,一个重要的变量是地理位置。For example, a key point of variability in Banking is geography.

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国家小红莓公司所受之资源变化的限制有哪些?What are the sources of the variability that NCC is subjected to?

卡明斯说,“正常的形状就有成千上万”。"There is a lot of variability in what normal is, " Cummings says.

这需要一种可知的氢氧化物,并且,其变化效果也需要是可知的。That would require an understanding of hydroxyl and its variability.

因为在个体的表达中有太多的变数。There's too much variability in individual expression, " said Dodds.

年内各季变化趋势和年际变化基本相似。The seasonal change trend was similar to the inter-annual variability.

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在本文中评述河外射电源变化的观测进展。The observational progress in the study of the variability is reviewed.

大气粉尘年际变率受到了厄尔尼诺现象的重要影响。The variability has also been significantly modulated by ENSO forcings.

目前,有三种基本的理论模型可以解释活动星系核的光变。There are three basic models to interpret the observed AGN variability.