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放纵,那么,更多的自愿。Intemperance, then, is more voluntary.

工具性条件作用则是有机体的自发行为。Instrumental conditioning is voluntary.

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我是在这家医院义务服务的。I am a voluntary worker at the hospital.

这次减薪是强制的还是自愿的?Is this a mandatory or voluntary pay cut?

但这只是一个暂时的脆弱的禁令。Yet it is a temporary, and voluntary ban.

向前跳水是规定动作之一。Forward dive is one of the voluntary dives.

义务性的服务、机构、中心等。A voluntary service, institution, centre, ETC.

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自愿捐赠,款数不限。There are no limits on voluntary contributions.

他自动提议帮忙,可能有诈’。His voluntary offer to help may be a Greek gift.

没为志愿团服务或工作的要。No need for the service corps or voluntary work.

我们的方法是说教式的完全自愿的。Our approach is educational and wholly voluntary.

自愿的工人建了一条路,通到男孩子们的营地。Voluntary workers built a road to the boy's camp.

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在将来我会继续做义务性工作。I will continue to do voluntary work in the future.

向社署提供个人资料,纯属自愿。The provision of personal data to SWD is voluntary.

该澳洲蕉农理事会公司的经费是由每盒纸箱自愿征费。The ABGC is funded by a 3?per carton voluntary levy.

我为亡者修颇瓦法纯属自愿和免费服务。My Powa service is voluntary and free of any charges.

政府现时仅在自愿参加的学校进行视学。At present, schools are inspected on a voluntary basis.

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他在那里时参加了一项工程的义务劳动。While there he joined in voluntary labour on a project.

你根本不需要内疚,我是自愿的。You simply do not need the compunction, I am voluntary.

我们根据自愿的原则,开展上门送饭的服务。We run the meals-on-wheels service on a voluntary basis.