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我欢欣雀跃地宣布。I joyously announced.

市长为此节目报幕。The mayor announced the program.

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仆人唱名通报史密斯先生来访。The servant announced Mr. Smith.

他宣布竞选美国州长。He announced for the U.S. governor.

它甚至还宣布了一笔股权回购。It even announced a share buy-back.

布什宣布参加竞选美国总统。Bush announced for the U.S. President.

微软公布了其云计算操作系统。Microsoft announced a Windows Cloud OS.

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十下接九下报告一件大事。Tennine strokes announced a great event.

这则消息是由北京广播电台发布的。The news was announced by Radio Beijing.

“我是园丁头”他宣示道。“I am the head gardener, ” he announced.

开船时刻每日公布。Hours of sailing will be announced daily.

最后的名单将于晚些时候公布。The final roster will be announced later.

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仆人报告史密斯先生和夫人驾到。The servant announced Mr. and Mrs. Smith.

仆人唱名报告“史密斯先生和夫人到”。The servant announced mr. and mrs. smith.

仆人报告史密斯先生和夫人驾到。The servant announced Mr. and Mrs. Hunter.

阿森纽斯宣布他要最多的内存。Arsenius announced he wanted the most rams.

接下来公布的是二等奖获奖者。The second-prize winner was announced next.

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投票结果公布后,她们欢呼雀跃。They cheered when the result was announced.

然后在同一天,皇室就将宣布孩子的名字。On the same day, its name will be announced.

这周我们宣布了一位公司新总裁。This week we announced a president of Xerox.