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这所学校是虚假的,就连这所学校的创办计划书也全是伪造的。The school was bogus, the prospectus was all got up.

根据正业国际的招股说明书,日本松下电器公司也是该公司客户。Panasonic of Japan is also a client, according to Zhengye’s prospectus.

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本章程如有未尽善处,本署有权随时修改。This Department reserves the right for any amendments in this prospectus.

本章程如有未尽善处,本会有权随时修改。This Association reserves the right for any amendments in this prospectus.

我记得读过一份利兹大学的简介,他们有一门课叫‘法律和编织’。I remember reading a prospectus for Leeds and they did a course on 'law and knitting'.

我们正在徵求厂商赞助,详细的赞助方式请下载此赞助说明。Now we are looking for sponsors. For sponsor program details, please check this prospectus.

招股说明显示,梅森等人关心的只是自己的钱袋。As the rest of the prospectus shows, lining the founders' pockets is all Groupon cares about.

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上述人士说,Facebook已经制定了内部招股书,准备好随时上市。Facebook has crafted an internal prospectus and is ready to go public at any time, said the people.

其中一人表示,LinkedIn有望在本季度末向监管机构提交招股说明书。LinkedIn is expected to file a prospectus with regulators by the end of the quarter, one person said.

除非文义另有所指,否则供股章程所界定之词汇与本通知书所采用者具有相同涵义。Ter ms defined in the Prospectus have the same meanings herein unless the context otherwise requires.

令人惊讶的一点是,其首次募股章程称这次上市规模不大、能够盈利。One of the surprises in the initial prospectus is how small and profitable this business is said to be.

这一偏股基金的季度募资额也创下了自股市走熊以来的最高纪录。This partial shares Fund Prospectus quarterly amount since the stock market hit the highest since Bear.

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国际学荣誉计划,为帮助学生准备论文样张。Designed to assist students prepare a thesis prospectus for the Honors Program in International Studies.

现在该是对招股说明书中所披露的风险的实际严重程度进行全面评估的时候了。It's time to include a holistic assessment of the actual severity of the risks disclosed in the prospectus.

周大福的招股说明书中的语言大多为套话,但其中也不乏一些真知灼见。Much of the language is boiler-plate stuff typically found in a listing prospectus. But there are some gems.

发起人向社会公开募集股份,必须公告招股说明书,并制作认股书。In making a public offer of shares, promoters must publish a prospectus and prepare share subscription application.

世纪佳缘的招股说明书说,其创始团队在设立VIE结构所用离岸实体的时候没有做到这一点。Jiayuan's prospectus said its founders failed to do this when they created the offshore entities used in the VIE structure.

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除章程及本须知列明外,其馀均依香港壁球总会现行比赛规则办理。Unless stated in the prospectus and these guidelines, all rules and regulations will follow those used by the Hong Kong Squash.

招股章程之副本已遵照百慕达公司法呈交百慕达公司注册处处长备案。A copy of the Prospectus has been filed with the Registrar of Companies in Bermuda in accordance with the Bermuda Companies Act.

也经常翻译一些文章,如经贸,商务,公司介绍,产品说明书。In my spare time, I frequently translated many kinds of articles such as trade, business, introduction to company, and prospectus.