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享利八世创建了英国国教。Henry VIII founded the Church of England.

英王亨利八世有六个妻子。King Henry VIII of England had six wives.

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亨利八世下令将安波林斩首。Henry VIII gave the order to behead Anne Boleyn.

教宗博尼费斯八世否认玛丽亚的处女性。Pope Boniface VIII denied the virginity of Mary.

她当时只是对爱德华八世有好感,但不爱他。She was fond of Edward VIII but was not in love with him.

布朗博士说,“为什么爱德华八世会让位于沃利斯辛普森?Why did Edward VIII give up the throne for Wallis Simpson?

1936年,爱德华八世与美国一位离过婚的妇女相爱了。Edward VIII fell in love with an American divorcee in 1936.

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1509年,年仅17岁的亨利八世成为英国国王。Henry VIII was 17 years old when he came to the throne in 1509.

在填写表格前,请细阅第六部至第九部。Pease read Part "VI- VIII " carefully before completing this form.

事实上,亨利八世在宫殿完全峻工之前去世。In fact, Henry VIII died before the palace was completely finished.

亨利八世欲与阿拉贡的凯瑟琳离婚,但是教皇拒绝了。Henry VIII wanted to divorce Catherine of Aragon but the Pope refused.

其中VIII族和IB族金属的研究已取得一定进展。The progress has been made for the study on subgroup VIII and IB metals.

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亨利八世是第一个通过法规禁止此类游戏的人。Henry VIII was the first to pass legislation against such unlawful gaming.

亨利五世在位时建立了一种授予御准权的新机制。A new device for granting Assent was created during the reign of Henry VIII.

最重要的是,亨利八世负责进行教会的宗教改革。Henry VIII was above all responsible for the religious reform of the church.

共和八年的行政制度是严厉无情的,然而又是彻底和完备的。The system of the year VIII was ruthlessly thorough and heartlessly perfect.

当亨利八世身在法国时,她代理英国摄政王长达六个月。For six months, she served as regent of England while Henry VIII was in France.

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1494年,查理八世入侵意大利,这在欧洲大陆历史上是一个转折点。In 1494, Charles VIII invaded Italy, which was a turning-point in continental history.

亨利8世从天主教分离。成立英格兰教会。In 1538 Henry VIII also broke away from Catholicism and founded The Church of England.

神舟八号飞船将于11月份发射并完成与天宫一号的对接。An unmanned Shenzhou VIII spaceship will be launched in November to dock with Tiangong-1.