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他的双颊血色饱满。His cheeks are veined.

他满是青筋的手祈祷。Rubs his thick veined hands. Prays.

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乡村地区密布四通八达的宽阔的新公路。The countryside is veined by new broad highways.

毒漆树毛茸茸的藤条落得满地都是。Furry ropes of poison sumac veined across the ground.

主卧卫生间用大面积灰色纹路的白色大理石定义奢华。The master en suite, in gray veined white marble, is luxury defined.

吉姆颤抖着走进窗口的阳光里,摩挲着厚厚的青筋暴露的手。Jim shivers and steps into the window sun. Rubs his thick veined hands.

庙宇前是用条纹玛瑙砌的净水潭。In front of the temple was a pool of clear water paved with veined onyx.

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自然铜呈板片状、网脉状、浸染状产出。The native coppers shows occurrence in slab-flaky, net veined and impregnated.

矿工们将含有朱砂的岩石切成一块一块的,朱砂是水银的主要商业来源。Miners hewed chunks of rock veined with cinnabar, the main commercial source of mercury.

他的国度是由珊瑚、黄金、以及有着蓝绿条纹的大理石组成的。His realm is a construct of coral, gold, and marble veined with streaks of blue and green.

茂盛的草地养肥了大批羊驼和美洲驼。Gold and silver veined the mountains, and herds of alpacas and llamas fattened in lush meadows.

深褐色的墙壁被垂着兰色绸缎的嵌板和纹理入微的大理石柱所分隔。The dun-colored walls are set off by panels of blue damask and columns of finely veined marble.

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此时的他,两腿瘦削,青筋暴突,战争中受伤的左膝,因关节炎而致残。His legs were thin and veined now, and his left knee, wounded in the war, was ruined by arthritis.

丝印玻璃、反射光线与大厅的大理石纹理映衬在一起,营造出一种迷幻感。Together with the reflections and veined marble surfaces of the hall, they create a disorienting effect.

文章探讨的是凤翔泥塑在纹饰、色彩、造型三个方面带给现代设计的启示。This article discusses the application of veined pattern, color and modeling of Fengxiang Clay sculpture to modern design.

毒漆树毛皮绳索般的茎干在地面上方交错形成脉络,红茎的石楠被盛放的轻盈的黑莓花压弯了枝条。Furry ropes of poison sumac veined across the ground. Red-stemmed briars bent under the snowy weight of blackberry blossoms.

他的双腿很瘦,青筋突出,左膝盖在战争中受伤,由于关节炎,现在完全不能动,只好随身带着一根拐杖。His legs were thin and veined now, and his left knee, wounded in the war, was ruined by arthritis. He used a cane to get around.

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另一种以铁闪锌矿为标志,矿体呈似层状、脉状及不规则状等,靠近岩体接触带或断裂与赋矿层的交汇部位产出,代表了成矿第二世代。Marmatite is the guide mineral of the second ore type which appears in bedded , veined and irregular ore bodies near contact zone of magmatic rock or joint positions between faults and ore beds.