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这是一个初步判断。This is a preliminary judgment.

子卫星的构想仍然是初步的。The moonlet idea is still preliminary.

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文章题目中国山矾科的初步研究。A preliminary study on Symplocos of China.

这个条件是初步阶段的癌症。Usually , the period of preliminary stage.

标题中国泥炭属植物的初步观察。A preliminary study of the Chinese Sphagnum.

苗儿山植物区系的初步研究。A preliminary study on the Miaoershan flora.

初步探讨了稀土对耐磨高碳铬钼钢的作用。Hearin a preliminary approach is made to it.

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地电勘探是初步的。The Report by Geoelectricity is preliminary.

初步统计结果显示我们已经失败了。The preliminary results showed that we’d lost.

这个条件是初步阶段的癌症。This condition is a preliminary stage to cancer.

锡克雷特调查的初步结果Preliminary findings from the Cikelet investigation

文章题目中国大风子科的初步研究。The preliminary study of Flacourtiaceae from China.

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万带兰的组织培养和试管苗栽培初探。Preliminary Study on the Tissue Culture of Vanda sp.

审查专题组所有工作领域取得的初步成果。to review preliminary results in all task force areas.

中国防己科药用植物的初步调查。A preliminary study of menispermaceous plants in China.

当然,只是初步结果,还没全部完成But again, pretty preliminary and not a complete study.

初步测试结果在大约一年时间内便可获得。Preliminary results should be available in about a year.

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通常,这个时期的初步阶段是很短暂的。Usually , the period of preliminary stage is very short.

广东山榄科植物分类的初步研究。A preliminary taxonomic study on Sapotaceae in Guangdong.

当然,这一研究还只得到了初步结果,参与者仅包括25名患有难语症的孩子,和20个正常小孩,对于证明来说,这个样本太小了。Of course, the results of the study are only preliminary.