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爱是激励的指示牌。Love is encouraging signs.

他给了赛蒙一个鼓励的微笑。He gave an encouraging smile.

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这是鼓励性的信号。These were encouraging signs.

这本书真的很励志。This book is very encouraging.

虽然,过去并不令人鼓舞。Yet the past is not encouraging.

这是令人鼓舞的现象,农业也是如此。That is encouraging. So is the farming.

宝总会向伟展现一个充满鼓励的微笑。Bo always shows him an encouraging smile.

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听到这个评价很是鼓舞人心。It is so encouraging to hear this remark.

这句话对华仔很是鼓舞。This sentence is very encouraging to Andy.

市场第一反应令人叫绝。The market's first response was encouraging.

哪是鼓励大家都去做糊涂的人啊。He's not encouraging people to be blunderers.

我觉得既令人鼓舞又令人沮丧。I found it both encouraging and discouraging.

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所以,实际上,这有点鼓励别人的作用,So that's actually, like, kind of encouraging

听了那个令人振奋的回答后她的脸显得更美了。Her face beautified at the encouraging answer.

我冲它点点头,又说了一些鼓励的话语。I nodded at it and said more encouraging words.

接着,他透露了一点坏坏的消息。Then he dropped a bit of less encouraging news.

曹慧玲不断地鼓励我要坚持。Cao Huiling was always encouraging me to insist.

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我们得到立茴人愉悦的用户测试体验认识反馈。We've received encouraging results in user tests.

从1974年底以来,我一直鼓励他竞选总统。I had been encouraging him to run since late 1974.

他是个思想丰富的人,文雅而又鼓舞人。He was a thoughtful fellow, gentle and encouraging.