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但是是马具的哪里呢???????But where is the harness ????

挽具也要搬离我们的背梁。And the harness from our back.

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不要随便去尝试吊带装。Donot try to harness installed.

兽医临时凑成了一副马具。The vet had improvised a harness.

它摇了摇颈上的铃铎。He gives his harness bell a shake.

我们能去看看那个马具吗?Shall we go see about that harness?

断开丰收,从束线。Disconnect Bumper from wire harness.

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他花十美元买了这件马具。He paid ten dollars for the new harness.

您可以方便地利用二者的强大功能。You can easily harness the power of both.

这个装具模块完全利用了这一点。The harness fully takes advantage of this.

坐鞍是马具的一部分.The saddle is a part of a horse's harness.

你只是需要懂得如何好好驾驭它们。You just need to know how to harness them.

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有可能利用好运能量吗?Is it possible to harness good-luck energy?


总是把你的安全带上双扣。Always double-up the buckle on your harness.

断开皮带卷收器线束接头。Disconnect retractor wire harness connector.

政府下令治理河流。The government ordered to harness the fiver.

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拔去电动视镜线束接头。Unplug the power mirror wire harness connector.

再生当前线束并重新显示缆。Regenerate current harness and redisplay cables.

解下…套具从…拆除马具或类似设备。To remove the harness or similar equipment from.