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逃避是不变的游戏。Eluding is the invariable game.

直到如今,她还一个劲地克制自己。Even now her self-command is invariable.

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但是,这个过程并非始终不变。This process, however, was not invariable.

这些法则是一种固定不变的关系。Theserules are a fixed and invariable relation.

保持X线球管—牙齿—胶片的距离不变。Kept X-ray suker-tooth-film a invariable distance.

山于采用可变后掠翼。The mountain in uses the invariable arrow-head wing.

出现小裂纹必然是脆性断裂的前兆。Crazing is the invariable precursor of brittle fracture.

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这是最永恒的社会行为规律之一。That is one of the most invariable rules of social behavior.

无论是开心还是难过,我的爱一直不变。Regardless of being happy or sad, my love has been invariable.

可是它们必定有一天会分离则是不变的真理。It is however invariable truth that they are sure to go apart someday.

关断电源后再重新上电,旗帜所在的高度数据显示不变。When turn off the power source, the information of the LCD is invariable.

人,作为一个物理存在,和其他物体一样要受到不变法则的支配。Man, as aphysical being, is like other bodies governed by invariable laws.

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那一轮一轮的印迹,似年年不变的月光,重叠一处。The round of imprinting, like every year invariable moonlight, overlapping a.

学者们历来把一门语言中的基本词汇和语法体系视为相对独立的封闭系统。Scholars regard one language's basic vocabulary and syntax as a invariable system.

他拥有这种意愿和目标,这正是成功不变的先决条件。He possessed that will and purpose which are the invariable forerunners of success.

世界上没有放之四海而皆准的发展道路和发展模式,也没有一成不变的发展道路和发展模式。There is never a one-size-fits-all development path or an invariable mode in the world.

运用传统的Hurwitz判据、Lasalle不变性原理等方法,对模型的性态,得到了一些初步结果。By means of Hurwitz criterion, Lasalle invariable set principle, we obtain some results.

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用我的真心,换取你的信任是我一生不不变的追求!Receives in exchange for your trust with mine sincerity is my life not invariable pursue!

该方法解决了电液比例方向阀稳态流量特性测试中保持阀压降恒定的问题。The method solved the problem of invariable pressure difference when the valve was tested.

这些局部仿紧性在某种序同态下是保持不变的。It is abtained that these local paracompactnesses are invariable under some order homomorphism.