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它软乎乎的,毛茸茸的。It is soft and fluffy.

我一定要把蓬蓬回家。I have to get Fluffy home.

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绒芯的。我喜欢软枕。Fluffy. I like soft pillows.

馒头很暄。The steamed bread is very fluffy.

有些云看起开明亮蓬松。Some clouds appear light and fluffy.

冰川能够重新变回成蓬松的一团。A glacier can revert to a fluffy mass.

把植物牛油和砂糖打至松发。Beat margarine and sugar until fluffy.

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你是怎么使你的头发变得干松的?How do you make your hair dry and fluffy?

托比心想,“为什麽我的毛是毛绒绒的”。"Why is my hair so fluffy", thought Toby.

但只有托比的毛是又长又毛绒绒的。But only Toby the cat had long and fluffy hair.

咩咩和毛茸茸决定玩儿“捉狼”。Baabaa and Fluffy decide to play Catch the wolf!

湖泊的上空是点缀着朵朵白云的蓝天。Over the lake was a blue sky with fluffy clouds.

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蓬松的棉花糖,谁经受得住那香甜的滋味。Fluffy cotton candy, who survive the sweet taste.

她说那些肌肉就像云朵一样轻柔松软。She said they felt like clouds, light and fluffy.

牛油和砂糖打至松发。Cream the butter and sugar until fluffy and light.

蓝色的天空中白云飘飘。Overhead was a blue sky with fluffy 2 white clouds.

他全神贯注地整理那盏没有点亮的灯上的绒毛灯罩。He set straight the fluffy shade on the unlighted lamp.

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它毛茸茸的脑袋和短短的躯干是全自动的,通过腹部触摸屏向孩子们解释手术过程,还能做出面部表情,与人进行眼神交流。Its fluffy head and short trunk are completely automatic.

这是佛拉菲,她的肠道有些问题。This is Fluffy. She has some problems with her intestines.

藏獒很魁梧,在那里象征着路威。Tibetan mastiffs are massive, fluffy status symbols there.