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要注意这些对象是互相联系的。Note that these objects are interrelated.

第二和第三个参数是相互关联的。The second and third arguments are interrelated.

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寡妇在立嗣时多伴有相关的经济补偿行为。The widows had some interrelated bargaining action.

这六个问题相互关联并互相配合。These six issues are interrelated and work in synergy.

一切事物都互相联系并相互作用。All things are interrelated and interact on each other.

创造力和福祉是唇齿相依的。Creativity and well being are intricately interrelated.

并提出了相应的配套改革措施。Some interrelated reform measures are rendered in this paper.

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组织形态学视人类世界为相互关联的网络系统。Tektology views the world as a network of interrelated systems.

每个人的艺术素养与其自身素质有着密切的关系。Every body's artic culture and self-quality are closely interrelated.

但真正的数据库应用程序通常具有多个相关表。But real database applications usually have multiple interrelated tables.

他们研究了覆盖全美国的722个相关的县集群。They studied 722 clusters of interrelated counties covering the entire U.

显然,这两个问题——就业与可用的现金流是相关的。Clearly the two issues -- jobs and available cash flow -- are interrelated.

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他们研究了722个县域集群,每个集群由相互关联的县组成,范围覆盖全美。They studied 722 clusters of interrelated counties covering the entire U.S.

本文试对春申君的相关问题做了研究。This paper tries to deal with some problems interrelated to Lord of Chunshen.

碱消值与米饭蒸煮时间呈负相关关系。Alkali spreading value was negatively interrelated with cooking time of the rice.

在程式设计语言中,一个或多个互相关联的模组的一种逻辑组合。In programming languages, a logical assembly of one or more interrelated modules.

截拳道的发展有三个阶段,彼此密切关联。Now there are three stages in the cultivation of Jeet Kune Do, each of them interrelated.

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麦汁合适的缓冲容量是各种因素综合影响的结果。Suitable buffle capacity of wort was optimized according to all the factors interrelated.

政治和经济层面点的原因在美国甚嚣尘上,而且联系紧密。The political and epistemological reasons are pronounced in America and are interrelated.

当表单拥有多个相关的查找时,这常常是一个很好的解决方案。This is often a great solution when your form has multiple lookups that are interrelated.