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你堵住了我花半小时才弄通的垃圾道!You're clogging up the chute I just unclogged.

我的降落伞就是没打开,而且不可能站着落地。My chute didn't open. And you don't land standing up.

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我确实希望他们不必再将猪赶上斜槽。I sure hope they don't have to carry him up the chute.

如果你使用的是扫雪机的话,那就在斜槽内部上蜡即可。If you use a snow thrower , wax the inside of the chute.

尼莱吉哈奇再次跌回了记忆长河中。Superseded again, he dropped back down the memory chute.

当伞降高度高过120米,玩家必须手动开伞。Players must open their chute manually when ejected above 120m.

该系统由垃圾道门口旁边的一个面板来控制。The system is controlled from a board fixed next to the chute door.

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但和广阔无垠的天空相比,降落伞看起来是沧海一粟。But against the vast expanse of the sky, the chute looked very small.

槽式给矿机安装位置灵活,操作简单。The Chute Feeder can be installed flexible, and simplicity of operation.

因为住在有垃圾道的高层建筑里就有理由不回收利用垃圾了吗?。Excused from recycling because you live in a high rise with a rubbish chute?

虹吸溢洪道是一种增加溢洪道泄流能力的有效方法。The chute spillway of Xingfu Reservoir is transformed into a siphon spillway.

飞行员会自动地与座椅分离,然后降落伞就张开了。The seat separates from the pilot automatically and the chute opens, " he said.

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之后“流态化”物料通过斜槽流向反应器。Then the "fluidized" material moves through an inclined chute into the reactor.

布衣女子罗斯和雨神打赌赛跑,从黄果树瀑布直奔关岭。From Huangguoshu chute to Guanling, Rose of BuYi folk bet with Rain's numen race.

她往下坠的速度很快,如果降落伞不快点打开,她便要一命呜呼了。She was falling fast, if she did not get her chute open soon she was going to die.

此后,营救小组已经打通了一条622米的钻孔,直达矿工们生存的空间。Since then, the rescue team drilled a 622-meter chute to the miners' living space.

上叶片与下叶片通过销轴和滑槽连接。The upper blade is connected with the lower blade through a pin shaft and a chute.

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空气输送流槽是一种利用压缩空气作为动力来输送物料的装置。Air conveying chute is a device which conveies material by compressed air as force.

柱塞头部斜槽的位置不同,改变供油量的方法也不同。Plunger head chute different location, change the amount of oil in a different manner.

柳钢高炉布料溜槽脱落引发炉凉事故处理与分析。Trouble shooting and analysis of distributing chute on BF of Liuzhou Iron and Steel Co.