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在我停下车时,把后轮用楔子塞住。Chock the back wheels when I stop.

不要被你的口水呛到。Try not to chock on your own drool.

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苹果的种子充满了氰酸。Apple seeds are chock full of cyanogenic acid.

用楔子塞住圆桶,不然它会滚过去。Chock the barrel up or else it will roll over.

而有些呢,全部是贷款,总要还的。Others are chock full of loans, which must be re-paid.

杏仁含有维生素E,植物甾醇,纤维素,对心脏有益的脂肪。They're chock full of vitamin E, plant sterols, fiber, and heart-healthy fats.

她年届79,有着满满79年的智慧与人生故事。She’s 79 years old and chock full of 79 years worth of wisdom and life stories.

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三套总统竞选阵营提出的政策建议的前提假设都是经不起推敲的。All three of the sets of proposals are absolutely chock full of poor assumptions.

这些书里充斥了优惠券,哪怕用几张,买书的本钱就捞回来了。These books are chock full of coupons and will pay for themselves after just a couple of uses.

巧克力富含所谓的酚类高效抗氧化剂,与在葡萄酒中发现的相同。Chocolate is chock full of potent antioxidants called phenols, the same as those found in wine.

因为在这些聚会上供应的酒精饮料大多都含有过剩的热量。The majority of the alcoholic drinks served at these soirees are chock full of unwanted calories.

此外,网络上充斥着益智产品,这些产品试图提升孩子们的自尊心。Moreover, the Internet is chock full of educational products intended to boost children’s self-esteem.

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护轨及其组件包含间隔垫块、轨撑、垫板、扣件、螺栓、螺帽等。A check rail and its components shall include a distance chock rail brace base plate fastener bolt nut etc.

我们的日常交谈中,充满了反映躯体经验的隐喻式的表达。Our everyday conversation is chock full of expressions that metaphorically reflect our physical experiences.

从绿茶到芙蓉茶,白茶到甘菊,茶类充满了类黄菊和其他健康美味的东西。From green tea to hibiscus, from white tea to chamomile, teas are chock full of flavonoids and other healthy goodies.

妳在想怎麽处理这些苹果?得了,这是妳动作慢的藉口吧。不过,我对妳说的妳阿姨厨房里的食谱倒很感兴趣,咱们去找她聊聊吧。I was thinking of things we could do with these apples. My aunt has a cabinet in the kitchen chock full of recipe books.

韩国佬脑袋都被种族主义、傲慢、固执这些东西塞住了,居然宣称韩国是天堂的国度。Gooks are just so chock full of racist, arrogant, jingoistic terminology proclaiming Korea to be some "heavenly kingdom"!

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小蜜蜂最畅销的产品,全面缓解嘴唇开裂、爆皮的疼痛,天然保护成分,帮助舒缓破裂、干裂或灼痛感的嘴唇。Burt's most popular product, chock full of pain-relieving, protective ingredients to help soothe cracked, chapped, or burning lips.

专业计算系列中的38本书籍充满了着重于计算机科学领域中的技术细节问题。The thirty-eight books in the Professional Computing Series are chock full of technical details on focused areas of computer science.

很大的功劳归功于netvibes的博客,因为经常会发布很多新特性并且有一群积极热心的用户。This is also obvious from the Netvibes blog, which is chock full of new feature announcements and lots of comments from passionate users.