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挪威在大豆压榨及鱼粉、鱼油生产方面仍占据着重要地位。Norway continues to be a significant crusher of soybeans and producer of fishmeal and fish oils.

目的是在寻求廉价原料、降低乳酸生产成本的同时实现鱼粉废水资源化。The aim was to find out cheaper raw material for lactic acid production as well as to treat the fishmeal wastewater.

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近来,秘鲁鱼粉在远洋运输过程中屡次发生自然事故。Recently, there have been a substantial number of cases of self-heating of Peruvian fishmeal during oceangoing transport.

结果表明,挤压膨化后的红鱼粉能达到甲鱼饲料原料的酸价要求。The results showed that the extruded brown fishmeal could meet the need of AV of raw material used in feed for soft shell turtle.

用双缩脲反应法可以测出发酵鱼粉中水溶性总肽的含量,用凯氏定氮法可以测出被沉淀的多肽的含量,从而可以计算出发酵鱼粉中寡肽的含量。Total solvable peptide content in the fermented fishmeal was determined by using the biuret method, and polypeptide in the precipitate by using Kjeldahl method.

饲养试验结果证明了该酵母饲料代替进口鱼粉的经济性和可行性。Feeding trail demonstrated the yeast feed was a economical product instead of fishmeal as protein source, and its application was practical in the feed industry.

目前我厂的鱼粉设备己遍布国内沿海各省、市鱼粉企业和大型远洋捕捞加工船。I am the fishmeal plant equipment has been around the domestic coastal provinces, municipalities and enterprises fishmeal processing large ocean-going fishing vessels.

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虽然小型鱼类的数量正在上涨,人类有渐渐开始捕捉这些小鱼作为鱼粉等食物,克里斯坦森教授说。While the number of small fish is on the rise, the little swimmers are also being increasingly sought after for use as fishmeal in human-run fisheries, Christensen said.

因此,随着水产养殖对鱼粉需求的增加,与陆地畜牧业争夺有限资源的竞争将会加剧,对价格和供应都将造成影响。So as aquaculture's fishmeal needs grow, competition with terrestrial livestock for a limited resource will intensify, with ramifications for both price and availability.

本组织的报告还对未来鱼粉和鱼油的供应提出怀疑,这些产品被用来喂养食肉性养殖鱼类,如大麻哈鱼、石斑鱼和海鲷。The agency's report also points to doubts regarding future supplies of fishmeal and oil, used to feed carnivorous cultured species, such as salmon, grouper and sea bream.

鱼粉消化率是鱼粉含有可被动物体消化吸收的蛋白质含量的真实反映,是评价鱼粉质量的重要指标。The pepsin digestibility is the reflection of the content of protein that can be digested in fishmeal, and it is an important guide line for establishing the quality of fishmeal.

研究人员认为,养殖业者将其他鱼类磨成的高脂肪鱼粉,拿来当成饲料,而野生大麻哈鱼吃的则是大海中的浮游生物,这导致人工养殖大麻哈鱼吃下比野生大麻哈鱼多出好几倍的污染物。While salmon in the wild eat a variety of things in the ocean farm raised ones eat a high fat feed made of other fish ground into fishmeal and as a result eat even more of those toxins.

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本文讨论了原料鱼的新鲜度、鱼粉生产工艺、贮藏时间、脂肪含量、氨基酸组成等对鱼粉胃蛋白酶消化率的影响,并对本研究的进一步工作做了讨论。Some factors affecting the pepsin digestibility of fishmeal such as storage time, processing temperature, fat, and amino content were discussed in this thesis and the further study was also discussed.