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莎拉在纸上乱涂乱画。Sarah is doodling on a piece of paper.

这是你开始涂鸦的绝好机会。The chances are you’ll start doodling.

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当然也有研究者们认为这只不过是一些无聊的涂鸦罢了。Researchers think others may just be idle doodling.

他走开以后,我又开始在笔记本上乱涂起来。After he left, I began doodling on my notebook again.

沃尔兹一直在用一支大大的,带有红色羽毛的钢笔乱涂乱画。Woltz had been doodling with a huge, red-feathered pen.

可曾记得你的老师叫你不要再在课堂上乱写乱画?Remember when your teacher told you to stop doodling in class?

我不再看门外,无所事事地在我的笔记本封面上涂鸦。I kept my eyes away from the door, doodling idly on the cover of my notebook.

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包括捏橡皮球、在教室涂鸦都可以帮助学生集中注意力。Even squeezing rubber balls or doodling in class can promote concentration, says Schantz.

奥利维亚画画的技巧大多来自考试时的随手涂鸦和曾上过的艺术课。Most of Olivia's drawing experience comes from doodling on tests and taking one art class.

涂鸦虽然看上去乱七八糟,但是研究发现,涂鸦其实是大脑活跃的表现。Doodling may look messy, but it could in fact be a sign of an alert mind, a study suggests.

慢跑、编织东西、随意写写画画都能放松思维并进入异想天开之中。Jogging, knitting or just doodling can relax the mind and set it off down a whimsical path.

那班淘气鬼最爱胡乱画墙壁、弹拨钢琴等捣蛋行为。The rascals like to act up by doodling on walls, strumming on the piano, and other such goings-on.

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他说富人们表现得更心不在焉,不时查看一下手机、写写画画,避免眼神交流。He said rich people appeared more distracted, checking mobile phones, doodling and avoiding eye contact.

孩子们用这些小小的剪贴薄画画,贴各种奇怪的东西,或纯粹乱涂。Children used these small albums to paste in various curious objects or for drawing or just for doodling.

专家表示,涂鸦可以防止人们走神,并帮助他们专注于平凡的琐事。Experts said doodling stopped people from daydreaming, and so was good at helping people focus on mundane tasks.

在等着饭菜被端上来的时候,他开始在他的餐巾纸上粗糙地画着一口棺材。As they were waiting for their meal to arrive, he began doodling a crude picture of a casket on his paper napkin.

我不确定托比一定会出演瑞克·卡特,但我想享受涂鸦的乐趣。我是超时空要塞的超级粉丝。I am not sure if Togey will be playing Rick Hunter, but I want to have fun doodling it. I am a big fan of Macross.

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我一直都在画些乱七八糟无目标的垃圾。终于定下来花了好几个钟头完成了上图。I've been doodling about and finally settled down to complete a concept I made up while attempting to sleep one night.

我开始在纸上乱画,想要画出一些与众不同的或者能令人开怀的东西来。I started doodling randomly on scrap sheets of papers, trying to draw something surprising or something that made me laugh.

在对实验对象进行促发之后,研究人员令其完成几项任务,如涂鸦、吃东西、记忆新信息等。After priming the subjects, researchers were asked to perform tasks such as doodling , eating, or memorizing new information.