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然而非农产业的工资信息却相对较为丰富。Wage data for nonfarm occupations, however, are relatively abundant.

此外,农村以非农业工作为生的黑人要比以往更多。In addition, nonfarm rural employment is supporting larger numbers of blacks than in the past.

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在被调查的村庄中,五个村庄的非农业劳动收入占其收入的四分之一。In five of the villages that were surveyed, nonfarm work provided one quarter of their income.

根据路透社的一份调查,非农就业人数将在7月份下降100,000人后继续减少131,000人。Nonfarm payrolls fell 100, 000 after declining 131, 000 in July, according to a Reuters survey.

联邦劳工部宣布,上个月的非农支薪人数下降53.9万。Federal Labor Department announced that nonfarm payroll last month's drop in the number of 539,000.

非农产业的不熟练工人,如纱厂的工人和煤矿场的工人大多来自农村。Unskilled workers in such nonfarm industries as cotton mills and coal mines often came directly from rural villages.

与此同时,非农业经济开始在农村发展计划和项目中充当重要的角色。At the same time, the nonfarm economy has come to figure more prominently in rural development planning and programs.

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这些指数是连续11次下跌于非农业品的工资单及反映寻找新工作的困难。These points to a 11th consecutive decline in nonfarm payrolls ahead, and reflected the difficulty in finding a new job.

因临时人口普查员离开劳动力大军,非农就业数据减少12.5万人,市场闻之下跌。Markets dropped on news that the nonfarm payroll actually dropped by 125,000 as temporary census workers left the work force.

Orlando称,"我们认为美联储将被迫重新调整改变政策立场的时程,他们会等到非农就业数据转好后再调整.我们认为,联储至少在2011年之前不会展开升息周期."We think the Fed's forced to reset the clock and wait for a better, more consistent string of nonfarm job creation," said Orlando.

一周初请失业金数据将比以往更受关注,因此前周四公布的非农就业人数降幅远超预估.Weekly initial jobless claims data will get more attention than usual after Thursday's nonfarm payrolls fell much more than expected.

12月就业数据定于1月7日发布,路透调查预估显示,美国非农就业人口料增加12.6万.The December employment data is due on January 7, and a preliminary Reuters survey shows economists expect nonfarm payrolls increased 126,000.

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2009年7月的就业报告显示,我们“仅仅”失去了24.7万份非农业工资单——在战后的任何衰退中,这种数据都没有资格被称为小阳春。The July 2009 employment report displayed "only" 247, 000 nonfarm payroll losses—hardly qualifying as a green shoot in any other postwar recession.

虽然企业纷纷投资于机械设备,但在聘雇人员方面却较为审慎.9月非农就业岗位无成长,这还是一年来头一遭.While businesses are investing in machinery, they have been cautious on hiring. Nonfarm employment failed to grow in September for the first time in a year.

报告来自ADP的实际支付薪酬数据,是在季节性调整的基础上,反映美国非农私企每月总的就业人数变化情况。The report, which is derived from ADP's actual payroll data, measures the change in total nonfarm private employment each month on a seasonally-adjusted basis.

投资者每月都密切关注关于非农的就业人数,以便评估工资,薪水,甚至是消费。The nonfarm payroll employment numbers are keenly anticipated every month by investors to assess the state of wages, salaries, and ultimately consumer spending.

在明日非农就业报告出炉前,市场很犹豫.迄今为止我们所看到的每个指标均显示美国就业市场小幅走软.There is a lot of hesitancy ahead of tomorrow's nonfarm payrolls report. Every indication we have had so far points to a slightly softer labor market in the U.S.

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美国劳工部的报告显示,在上个月25,000个新增工作的基础上,美国六月份总体新增18,000个非农业性带薪工作。The United States added just 18,000 nonfarm payroll jobs over all in June, the Labor Department reported Friday, after having added 25,000 jobs the previous month.

美国股市周五收涨,扳回盘初在非农就业报告公布后的失地,因投资者押注就业市场的更大趋势是改善.On Friday, U.S. stocks overcame early losses after the nonfarm payrolls report to end higher as investors bet that the larger trend was for labor market improvement.

劳工部周五公布的就业报告显示,在近一年以来,美国就业岗位首次没有增加.For the first time in nearly a year the economy failed to create new jobs on a net basis according to the Labor Department's monthly nonfarm payrolls survey on Friday.