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巴林1981年成立股份公司作为巴林。Batelco established in 1981 as a Bahraini Shareholding Company.

第二部分是对企业交叉持股研究文献的一个综合性回顾。The second part is an all-around of literature of the cross shareholding.

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一是坚定不移地推进国有商业银行股份制改革。First, we will firmly press ahead with the shareholding reform of state-owned commercial banks.

由于董事长及其家族“一股独大”,董事长地位比较突出,拥有绝对控股权。In some corporations, the chairman of the board has sovereign position and absolute shareholding.

程介南没有向立法会申报自己是富亚顾问公司的大股东。Mr Cheng did not disclosed to the legislature his majority shareholding in Asia Ford Consultants.

他又补充说,美国冗繁有加的股权架构却使这类想法站不住脚。But America's more diffuse shareholding structure makes such understandings harder to achieve, he says.

陆续增设和重组120多家股份制中小商业银行。More than 120 small and medium-sized shareholding commercial banks have been established or reorganized.

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现集团上下同心同德,重力打造,全面推进股改上市。The group of be of one heart and one mind, build gravity, comprehensively promote the shareholding system reform.

文中同时也指出了推行股份制所必要的宏观外部环境。Meanwhile the macro-external environment necessary for the implementation of the shareholding system is pointed out.

成都高新区-TCL集团股份有限公司投资协议正式签约。The investment agreement between Chengdu High-tech District and TCL Group Shareholding Co. Ltd. Was officially signed.

光大集团,另一家主要的金融控股公司也在酝酿上市计划,那么中信集团呢?Everbright Group, another major financial shareholding company, is also mulling over a listing plan. How about CITIC Group?

独立监察人比率及机构法人持股比在任何情况下均无外部治理效果。No external governance effect in any situation of independent supervisor ratios and institution shareholding ratios is found.

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2007年6月改制为职工持股的有限责任公司,下设监理公司和南京化工园分公司。It reformed as staff shareholding YPEC in Jun, 2007, also has Supervision Company registered in China and Nanjing Industrial Branch.

股份制作为现代企业的一种资本组织形式,不具有特定的所有制性质。The shareholding system is the capital-organization form of modern industries and has no specific nature of the system of ownership.

万丰奥特控股集团是民营股份制的大型工业企业,也是亚洲最大的铝轮生产基地。Wanfenaote Holdings is a private shareholding large industrial enterprises, as well as Asias largest aluminum wheel production bases.

大部分经济行业也没有只限于英国国民参与的规定,亦没有关于英国国民持有多数股或持股比例方面的要求。Most economic sectors are not limited to British nationals involved, and have no BN majority-owned or shareholding ratio requirements.

股权集中度高和第一大股东身份为集团类的公司,其关联交易尤其频繁且金额更高。Firms with high shareholding concentration and group-controlled firms engage in more frequent and high-level related party transactions.

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2000年,当时的电讯盈科还是一个新生的互联网公司,收购了香港电话业的垄断者,成为本地投资者最喜欢的一支股票。In 2000 PCCW, then a fledging internet firm, bought Hong Kong’s former telephone monopoly, a favourite shareholding for local investors.

2007年6月改制为职工持股的有限责任公司,下设监理公司和南京化工园分公司。It reformed as staff shareholding YPEC in Jun, 2007, also has Supervision Company registered in China and Nanjing Industrial Park Branch.

一些民营企业家借助金字塔式持股结构控制了多家上市公司,在我国证券市场上形成了数个民营上市公司系族。Some entrepreneurs control more than one listed company and forge them into several clusters in the market by pyramidal shareholding structure.