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蚕做茧。The silkworm spins cocoon.

把好售茧关。Fifth, the good clearance sale cocoon.

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把好采茧关。Fourth, the good mining clearance cocoon.

这是破茧成蝶的一段时期。It's the butterfly emerging from it's cocoon.

与星质茧相同,不过更大。Mass Cocoon. As ectoplasmic cocoon, but bigger.

疼痛是一种破茧而出的领悟。Pain is a kind of restricting cocoon and comprehension.

在丝质茧或丝、叶交织成的薄茧内化蛹。They pupate in a thin cocoon of silk or silk and leaves.

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雄茧扁平,由空心长丝状蜡编织形成。The male cocoon was flat, forming by long filamentous wax.

它做小的房子.它是一只茧.这茧是棕色的。It makes a little house.It is a cocoon.The cocoon is brown.

小字眼自由地蜕去了愤怒,恐惧和悲伤的茧。It was free to shed it's cocoon of anger and fear and sadness.

一天,一个人在森林中漫步时,发现一个蝴蝶的茧子,他打算把它带回家里,观察它是怎样变成美丽的蝴蝶的。One day while walking through the woods, a man found a cocoon.

“我们生活在被网络茧壳包裹的地球上,”贝克匀说。"We live in a cyber cocoon enveloping the Earth, " Baker said.

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让我们向您展示由费德里科·奥特罗设计的奇趣茧状挂炉吧。Let us show you interesting Cocoon Fireplace by Federico Otero.

以老熟幼虫在土中结茧越冬。Its mature larva makes cocoon under the earth during the winter.

母亲的脚上有一层茧,我小心的抚摸。Mother's feet have a layer of the cocoon I be careful of petting.

我有一个天蛾的茧儿,差不多藏了一年。IKEPT for nearly a year the flask-shaped cocoon of an emperor moth.

我有一个天蛾的茧儿,差不多藏了一年。I kept for nearly a year the flask-shaped cocoon of an emperor moth.

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我是一只茧。我要通过自己的努力变成一只花蝴蝶…A caterpillar must pass through the cocoon stage to become a butterfly.

破茧成蝶的光阴还在酝酿着。目的地着实不悠远了。Cocoon into butterfly years also is afoot. Destination is not far away.

作者采用碱皂化的方法来达到精炼蚕蛹油的目的。Author used alkali saponification method to refine silk cocoon crude oil.