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哎呦,违反停车规则了。Oops, parking rules violation.

人权侵害数据库。Human rights violation database.

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这就是白色,它是一个违例。There's the white, it's a violation.

违反实在法的合同。Contracts in violation of positive law.

我们仍将看到违反CP守恒的现象。We still see a version of CP violation.

我收到一张违法停车的罚款单。I received a ticket for a parking violation.

跨国携带枪支,违反假释。International gun charges. Parole violation.

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违反交通规则的数宇有了增加。The number af traffic violation has increased.

未依规定停放者,以违规停车论。Improperly parked cars will be issued a violation.

绿色的发现,你是没问题的但是得到一个违规。Green findings, you're okay but you got a violation.

是的,它是一个违规的通知,但是没有民事处罚。Yes. It's a notice of violation but no civil penalty.

安全红线不能碰,违章违纪不留情。Safety not to touch the red line, unsparing violation.

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可文峰塔偏偏违反了这个规律。But Wenfeng Pagoda was built in violation of that rule.

是违背守恒定律而凭空消失了吗?Is it lost, in violation of the conservation principle?

你们打半场有三秒规则吗?Do you have a three-second violation in half-court game?

对某些人来说,这绝对是侵犯人权的。For some people, that's a clear violation of human rights.

民用忤逆是由定义侵害法律。Civil disobedience is by definition a violation of the law.

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因为期望的违背是必须要有的。For the violation to work the expectations have to be there.

若是判罪,则该人将判处一年徒刑。If convicted, the violation carries a one-year jail sentence.

2005年,他因违反假释条例,被判处17个月监禁。In 2005, he was sentenced to 17 months for a parole violation.