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这都是很主观的。It's all subjective.

设计是主观的。Design is subjective.

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这是一个主观说法。This really is subjective.

客观而非主观的对待目标。Be objective rather than subjective.

记住,观点是带主观性的。Remember that perspective is subjective.

当然,“够多”这个判断是主观的。What’s “enough” is of course subjective.

三是杜甫个人的主观努力。Three is Du Fu personal subjective effort.

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很明显,以上标准是主观性的。The above criteria are obviously subjective.

每个人的意见都必定是主观的。Everyone's opinion is bound to be subjective.

就是这些,这是主观上的设计决策。That's all. It was a subjective design choice.

你野心勃勃、孤僻且太主观。You're ambitious, seclusive and too subjective.

精神客体的本质属性是主观性。Spiritual object' s nature is subjective nature.

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切忌主观片面。Be careful to avoid being subjective and one-sided.

换句话说,他的政治纲领公开地带有主观性。His creed, in other words, was avowedly subjective.

这是一种高层次主观性的规划方法。This is a high-level subjective method of planning.

评分便更加困难,通常更为主观。Grading is more difficult and often more subjective.

从主观因素看,是道教自身发展的需要。The subjective factor is the needs of Taoism itself.

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这是客观因素,主观条件。It is an objective factor and a subjective condition.

一个人的处境是苦是乐常是主观的。The situation of a person's pain is often subjective.

“易于”是一个主观的概念,是无法详细描述的。"Easy" is a subjective concept that's not elaborated.